Yaman Jabbour*(1) Mohammad Shafik Hakim(1) Filippo M Bassi(2), Abdallah Al-Yossef (3) Maysoun M. Saleh(4) and Ahmad Shams Al-Dien Shaaban(5)
(1). Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.
(2). International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria.
(3). Aleppo Agricultural Centre, General commission for scientific Agriculture Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.
(4). Genetic Resources Department, GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.
(5) Dept. Of Biotech Engineering, Faculty of Technological Engineering, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.
(*Corresponding author: Eng. Yaman Jabbour. E-Mail: yaman.jab@gmail.com).
Received: 13/10/2018 Accepted: 22/11/2018
The study was carried out during two seasons 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 at Scientific Agriculture Research Center in Aleppo, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research GCSAR, Syria to estimate narrow and board sense heritability, additive and dominance variances, dominance degree, expected genetic advance, genotypic and phenotypic correlations and path analysis between grain yield and study traits in interspecific hybrids of durum wheat. Nine parents were planted in the first season 2016/2017 in AL-Sofera location, five of them were primitive wheat (2 genotypes of T.dicoccum, 2 genotypes of T.carthlicum and one genotype of T.polonicum) which were used as male parents, while three cultivated varieties beside one line from ICARDA were used as female parents. North Carokina II design was used for crossing to produce 20 crosses groups (5×4). The genotypes were planted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two replications in Hemaima Station. Data was collected for phenological traits (No. of days to heading, No. of days to physiological maturity and grain filling period), morphological traits (plant height, spike length, peduncle length and awns length), and yield components (1000-kernels weight, number of grains per spike and grain weight/spike). The results showed significant differences among genotypes for all studied traits, additive gene action controlled all traits, the genes that controlled all traits showed partial dominance, board sense heritability was high for all traits, whereas the heritability in narrow sense was high for most of the traits except peduncle length, and awns length were mid. A high value for expected genetic advance associated with high narrow sense heritability were recorded for plant height, spike length, grain filling period, grain weight/spike, and thousand kernels weight. A positive high significant genotypic and phenotypic correlations was recorded between grain yield with (thousand kernels weight, number of grains per spike, grain weight/spike and awns length) whereas that correlation was negative and high significant with No. of days to heading. The grain weight/spike was the most studied trait that contribute in grain yield with positive direct effect (0.74) followed by awns length with positive direct effect (0.34), then number of days to heading with negative direct effect (-0.33) and finally, thousand kernels weight with positive direct effect (0.17), as for indirect effect the number of grains per spike was the most studied traits that contribute in grain yield (0.63) followed by thousand kernels weight (0.55) through the grain weight/spike. This study confirmed the importance of each (grain weight/spike, thousand kernels weight, awns length and early heading) as selection criterion for development drought tolerance genotypes.
Key words: Genetic parameters, Interspecific hybrids, North Carolina II, Durum wheat.
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