Variability, Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for ‎Agro-Morphological Traits in Lentil (Lens culinaris) ‎Genotypes

Dinesh Ghimire*(1) Aatish Gurung(1) Sushmita Kunwar(1) Archana Paudel(1) Rajendra Prasad Poudel(1) and Ganga Ram Kohar(2)

(1). Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Tribhuvan University, Paklihawa Campus,    Rupandehi, Nepal.

(2). Andhra University, Institute of Agriculture Sciences, Varanasi – 221 005, India.           

(*Corresponding author: Dinesh Ghimire. E-Mail:

Received: 19/04/2020                               Accepted: 13/05/2020


Assessing variability and correlations for agro-morphological traits of lentil are the important aspects in the development of lentil varieties. Six lentil genotypes were evaluated in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications at Agronomy Research Farm of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Paklihawa, Rupandehi, Nepal during winter season of 2018/19 to assess the genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for agro-morphological traits. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for all traits. The values of Phenotypic Coefficient of Variance (PCV) were higher than Genotypic Coefficient of Variance (GCV) for all the characters, and the number of pods per plant exhibited high estimates of both PCV and GCV indicating substantial scope of improvement through selection. The number of secondary branches showed the highest PCV (0.89) and GCV (0.50) whereas the lowest PCV (0.02) and GCV (0.00) were recorded for date to 50% maturity. High heritability (0.62) coupled with high genetic advance (192.63) as percent mean was observed for the grain yield. Grain yield showed positive and significant phenotypic correlation with number of pods per plant (r=0.424) and plant height (r=0.420). The highest positive direct effects were observed in plant height followed by number of grains per pods, number of secondary branches and number of pods per plant; suggesting the importance of these characters and the necessity of adopting them as selection criteria for grain yield improvement.

Key words: Lentil, Grain yield, Heritability, Correlation, Path analysis.

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Determination of Some Selection Indices in Wild Chickpea

Ghada Ahmad*(1) Maysoun Saleh(1) and Yousef Wjhani(1)

(1). Genetic Resources Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Ghada Ahmad. E-Mail:

Received: 01/10/2018                                Accepted: 21/11/2018


16 genotypes belong to eight wild annual genotypes of chickpea which represented the common species in west Asia and north Africa were planted in Dara’a Research Centre (Ezra Station), General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Researche (GCSAR) in addition to local chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) during 2011/2012 season in Randomized Complete Block Design RCBD with three replications, in order to study the correlation between studied traits and to determine selection indices for chickpea grain yield via path analysis to figure out direct and indirect effects and to define their contribution% in grain yield. The studied traits were (days to maturity, flower peduncle height, plant height, pod number per plant, first pod height, grain number per plant, hundred grain weight and grain yield per plant). Results showed that grain yield had a positive significant correlation with each of pod number and grain number per plant and hundred grain weight (0.615**, 0.633**, 0.606**) respectively, and with flower peduncle height (0.514*), and had negative correlation with days to maturity (-0.412*). Results of path coefficient analysis showed that all studied traits contributed  in grain yield in a rate of 65.2%, and the direct effect for each of pod number per plant and hundred grain weight on grain yield were high and positive (0.8066, 0.5122) respectively, while high but negative for each of days to maturity and grain number per plant and medium and negative for the first pod height and low and negative for flower peduncle height (-0.1709). Results showed also that pod number per plant had  the highest contribution in grain yield as a direct effect 65.07)) %, followed by the indirect and cooperate effect of number pod per plant and hundred grain weight (39.38) % then the direct effect of hundred grain weight (26.23) %, so they could be considered as selection indices for grain yield in chickpea.

Key words: Contribution%, Correlation, Path coefficient, Grain yield, Wild chickpea.

Full Paper in Arabic: PDF

Determination of Selection Indices in Soybeans (Glycine max L.) Genotypes under the Effect of Water Stress

Mohamad Nael Khattab*(1) Nabil Habib(1) and Sahar Hanifa(1)

(1). Crops Field Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Mohamad Nael Khattab. E-Mail:

Received: 02/05/2018                                Accepted: 01/10/2018


The research was carried out in the coastal region (Ashrafieh village of Jibla district) and in the laboratories of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, during the season 2018 to study the effect of water stress on five soybeans genotypes (Sb335, Sb337, Sb339, Sb342, Sb344), to determine which of them more resistant to drought through productive indicators and their components, and to study the establishment of selectorial indices for production attributes to determine which of them can be considered as criterion for high productivity under water stress conditions. The experiment was carried out according to the split block design with three replicates. The water stress treatments were applicated in the main plots (from the beginning of the flowering stage and the beginning of the fullness of the pods), while the secondary plots included the five soybeans genotypes. Most of the studied traits showed high GCV values and were associated with a high inheritance coefficient indicating that these traits were relatively less affected by the environment. The results showed that water stress caused a significant decrease in productivity and all its studied components compared to normal irrigation treatment (control). Sb 335 genotype had the lowest reduction in all studied indicators, while the genotypes Sb 337 and Sb 344 were the most sensitive to stress. The decrease was due to the effect of water stress on the characteristics of the studied genotypes with the percentage of increase in the proline content. The productivity of seeds was positively and significant correlated with the weight of pods (r = 0.92 **) and the number of seeds per plant (r = 0.94 **). These traits showed high values of GCV, GA% and H2B. This study indicated the possibility of using weight of pods and number of seeds per plant as selectorial criterion to improve seed productivity.

Key words: Soybeans, Water stress, Proline, Genetic variation, Correlation.

Full paper in Arabic: PDF

Estimation of Selection Indices in Some Primitive Wheat Genotypes using Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis

Maysoun Mohamad Saleh* (1) Wessam Yahia Akel(2) Razzan  Mohamad Ali  Al Naggar(3)

(1) Genetic Resources Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.
(2). Swaida Agricultural Research Center, (GCSAR), Swaida, Syria.
(3). Crops Research Administration, (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Maysoun Mohamad Saleh.

Received: 15/09/ 2015                                     Accepted: 05/10/ 2015


The study was conducted at Izraa Research Station, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), in Syria during two growing seasons 2010 and 2011. Fifteen tetraploid wheat genotypes (2n= 4x=28) were planted under rainfed conditions (4 genotypes belong to species Ttiticum carthlicum, 3 genotypes belong to species Ttiticum polonicum, 8 genotypes belong to species Ttiticum dicoccum), and three local checks sham3, sham5, and Douma1, in randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replications. Correlations and path coefficient analysis between yield components (number of fertile tillers, spike peduncle length, number and weight of grains per main spike, thousand grain weight) with the individual plant grain yield. Results showed that grain yield had a positive significant correlation (P≤0.01) with each of number of fertile tillers, spike peduncle length, number and weight of grains per main spike (r=0.636**، 0.366**،0.656**، 0.509**), respectively. Results of path coefficient analysis showed that the direct effect of number of fertile tillers on grain yield was high and positive (0.743), while the direct effect was medium and positive for each of number and weight of grains  in main spike and also  thousand grain weight on grain yield (0.239, 0.285, 0.21), respectively. Results also showed that number of fertile tillers had  the highest contribution %  in yield (55.32%), followed by the indirect effect of number of grains in main spike through the weight of grains in main spike (13.15%), then the direct effect of each of number and weight of grains in main spike (8.60, 8.17%), respectively. The study confirmed the importance of number of  fertile tillers, and number and weight of grains per spike, as selection indices for high yield in wheat, because of their significant correlation, and high relative importance with yield, either through direct or indirect effects.

Key Words: Wheat genotypes, Yield components, Correlation, path coefficient analysis.

Full paper in Arabic:تحديد الأدلة الانتخابية في طرز القمح المبدئي باستخدام معامل الارتباط وتحليل المسار

Regression Between Number of Productive and Quality Components of some Primitive Wheat Genotypes under Rainfed Condition

Maysoun Saleh(1) Yousef Wjhani*(1) and Mokhles Shaherli(2)

(1) Genetic Resources Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR). Damascus, Syria.
(2) Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University. Damascus, Syria.(*corresponding author: Dr. Yousef Wjhani, Genetic Resource Department, (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria. E-mail:

Received: 17/07/2014                         Accepted: 11/02/2015


The study was conducted at Izraa Research Station and Cereal Technology Lab of The General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR) in Syria, during two growing seasons 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. Fifteen local and entries genotypes and three local cultivated varieties were planted in Randomized Complete Block Design RCBD in three replications, Correlations and Regressions between number and weight of grains per spike with quality components contents in grains were studied after harvest. Results showed that number of grains per spike had a negative and significant correlation with each of protein content and wet gluten content and sedimentation rate, while it was positive with starch content in grains. Weight of grains per spike had a negative and significant correlation with each of protein content and wet gluten content. Results showed that all regression relations were negative and significant, thereby breeding programs for increasing number of grains per spike will cause a reduction in each of protein content and wet gluten content and sedimentation rate about (36, 17, 17%) respectively, while breeding program for increasing grain weight per spike will negatively affect protein and wet gluten content in grains about (28, 14%), respectively.

Key Words: Productivity components, Quality components, Correlation, Regression, Genotypes, Primitive Wheat.

 Full paper in Arabic : علاقات الانحدار بين عدد من المكونات الإنتاجية والنوعيّة لطرز من القمح المبدئي ضمن ظروف الزراعة المطرية