Estimation of Selection Indices in Some Primitive Wheat Genotypes using Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis

Maysoun Mohamad Saleh* (1) Wessam Yahia Akel(2) Razzan  Mohamad Ali  Al Naggar(3)

(1) Genetic Resources Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.
(2). Swaida Agricultural Research Center, (GCSAR), Swaida, Syria.
(3). Crops Research Administration, (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Maysoun Mohamad Saleh.

Received: 15/09/ 2015                                     Accepted: 05/10/ 2015


The study was conducted at Izraa Research Station, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), in Syria during two growing seasons 2010 and 2011. Fifteen tetraploid wheat genotypes (2n= 4x=28) were planted under rainfed conditions (4 genotypes belong to species Ttiticum carthlicum, 3 genotypes belong to species Ttiticum polonicum, 8 genotypes belong to species Ttiticum dicoccum), and three local checks sham3, sham5, and Douma1, in randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replications. Correlations and path coefficient analysis between yield components (number of fertile tillers, spike peduncle length, number and weight of grains per main spike, thousand grain weight) with the individual plant grain yield. Results showed that grain yield had a positive significant correlation (P≤0.01) with each of number of fertile tillers, spike peduncle length, number and weight of grains per main spike (r=0.636**، 0.366**،0.656**، 0.509**), respectively. Results of path coefficient analysis showed that the direct effect of number of fertile tillers on grain yield was high and positive (0.743), while the direct effect was medium and positive for each of number and weight of grains  in main spike and also  thousand grain weight on grain yield (0.239, 0.285, 0.21), respectively. Results also showed that number of fertile tillers had  the highest contribution %  in yield (55.32%), followed by the indirect effect of number of grains in main spike through the weight of grains in main spike (13.15%), then the direct effect of each of number and weight of grains in main spike (8.60, 8.17%), respectively. The study confirmed the importance of number of  fertile tillers, and number and weight of grains per spike, as selection indices for high yield in wheat, because of their significant correlation, and high relative importance with yield, either through direct or indirect effects.

Key Words: Wheat genotypes, Yield components, Correlation, path coefficient analysis.

Full paper in Arabic:تحديد الأدلة الانتخابية في طرز القمح المبدئي باستخدام معامل الارتباط وتحليل المسار

Correlation and Path Coefficients Analysis between Yield Components in some Wheat Genotypes

Nabeel Awad Hassan(1) Maysoun Saleh*(2) and Nader Ibraheem Alkaraki(1) 

(1). Izraa Research Station, Agricultural Research Center in Daraa, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Daraa, Syria.
(2). Genetic Resources Department, GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Maysoun Saleh. E-Mail:

Received: 15/06/ 2015                                     Accepted: 24/07/ 2015


The study was conducted at Izraa Research Station, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Syria, during 2012/2013 season. Eight genotypes (3genotypes belongs to the species Triticum. carthlicum, 2 genotypes belongs to the species Triticum. polonicum , 3genotypes belongs to the species Triticum. dicoccum, and tow local checks sham3 and sham5, which were planted in Randomized Complete Block Design RCBD with three replications. Correlations and path coefficient analysis between yield components (number of total and fertile tillers, number and weight of grains per spike, thousand grain weight, individual plant yield) were studied. Results showed that grain yield had a positive significant correlation with both of number of total and fertile tillers (0.849**,0.932**) respectively, but number of total tillers had a positive significant correlation with number of fertile tillers (0.926**), while negative significant correlation was noticed with the number of grains per spike. The correlation was positive and significant between weight of grains per spike and with both of number of grains per spike and thousand grain weight. The results of path coefficient analysis showed that the indirect effect of number of total tillers on grain yield through the fertile tillers was positive and high (0.850), and was very close to the direct effect of the number of fertile tillers on grain yield (0.918), and the direct effect of grain weight per spike on grain yield was positive (0.322), and it’s indirect effect was negative and medium through the number of fertile tillers, and the indirect effect of thousand grain weight on grain yield was positive and medium through the weight of grain per spike (0.213). This study recommends to pay attention to the number of fertile tillers and grain weight per spike as a selection index of grain yield in the breeding programs, because of their high correlations an direct effect on yield.

Key Words: Wheat, Yield components, Correlation coefficient, Path coefficient analysis.

Full paper in Arabic: دراسة الارتباط وتحليل المسار بين مكونات الغلة لدى بعض الطرز من القمح