Regression Between Number of Productive and Quality Components of some Primitive Wheat Genotypes under Rainfed Condition

Maysoun Saleh(1) Yousef Wjhani*(1) and Mokhles Shaherli(2)

(1) Genetic Resources Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR). Damascus, Syria.
(2) Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University. Damascus, Syria.(*corresponding author: Dr. Yousef Wjhani, Genetic Resource Department, (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria. E-mail:

Received: 17/07/2014                         Accepted: 11/02/2015


The study was conducted at Izraa Research Station and Cereal Technology Lab of The General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR) in Syria, during two growing seasons 2009/2010 and 2010/2011. Fifteen local and entries genotypes and three local cultivated varieties were planted in Randomized Complete Block Design RCBD in three replications, Correlations and Regressions between number and weight of grains per spike with quality components contents in grains were studied after harvest. Results showed that number of grains per spike had a negative and significant correlation with each of protein content and wet gluten content and sedimentation rate, while it was positive with starch content in grains. Weight of grains per spike had a negative and significant correlation with each of protein content and wet gluten content. Results showed that all regression relations were negative and significant, thereby breeding programs for increasing number of grains per spike will cause a reduction in each of protein content and wet gluten content and sedimentation rate about (36, 17, 17%) respectively, while breeding program for increasing grain weight per spike will negatively affect protein and wet gluten content in grains about (28, 14%), respectively.

Key Words: Productivity components, Quality components, Correlation, Regression, Genotypes, Primitive Wheat.

 Full paper in Arabic : علاقات الانحدار بين عدد من المكونات الإنتاجية والنوعيّة لطرز من القمح المبدئي ضمن ظروف الزراعة المطرية