Effect of Type and Depth of Irrigation Pipe by Subsurface Drip Irrigation Method on Some Productivity Indicators and Irrigation Water Use Efficiency for Cotton

Hanan Almhemid*(1), Faraj Naoum(1), Abdulghani Alkhaldi(2), and Ahmad Aljomaa(2)

(1). Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Univ. of Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria.

(2). Cotton Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Aleppo, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Hanan almhemid  . E-Mail:hananalmhemid@gmail.com).

Received:11/07/2023                   Accepted:30/07/2023


subsurface drip irrigation usage is considered of great importance, especially in dry and semi-dry regions that suffer from water scarcity and lack of water resources, as is the case in most cotton-growing areas in Syrian Arab Republic. Therefore, the aim of this research is to study the effect of the subsurface drip irrigation system on some productivity indicators and the efficiency of irrigation water use for cotton crop Aleppo 118 variety with different depths of irrigation pipes. The research was carried out during the 2022 agricultural season at Tal Hadya Cotton Research Station (Aleppo Governorate) affiliated to the Cotton Research Department – General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research . By using two types of tubes (PT1, PT2) and at three different depths (15, 25, 35) cm, the experiment was designed according to the split-plot design. The results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance for the yield characteristic showed that there were significant differences. That is high between the two irrigation pipes used, as the average yield of cotton for the first type (PT1) was 3002 kg/ha and for the second type (PT2) 5537 kg / ha. The results also showed that there were very high significant differences in the yield between the different pipe depths, where as treatment D2 excelled 25 cm depth of irrigation pipe) was significantly affected by the two treatments D1 (15 cm depth of irrigation pipe) and D3 (35 cm depth of irrigation pipe) by (49.8 and 29.8%), respectively. The results showed that there were highly significant differences in the efficiency of irrigation water use, in which that irrigation water use efficiency for the first type (PT1) was about 0.459 kg/m3 and for the second type (PT2) about 0.852 kg/m3. It can be concluded that the second pipe with the second depth (PT2 D2) was the highest in the yield per hectare of granulated cotton and the water use efficiency.

Keywords: Subsurface drip irrigation, Cotton, Yield, IWUE.

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Genetic diversity of Yemeni Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) Genotypes.

Naji Zaid (1)*, Adnan Ali Saeed Al-Asbahi(2) and Amin abdu Al-hakimi(3)

(1). Plant Breeder at Northern Highlands Research Station, Al-Errah, Sana’a, Yemen.

(2). Biology department, Faculty of Sciences, Sana’a university, Yemen.

(3). Agronomy department, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a university, Yemen.

(*Corresponding author: Naji Zaid, E.mail:n.zied2014@gmail.com,   Tel: +967-770541187 ).

Received:11/05/2024                   Accepted:27/11/2024


Afield experiment was carried out at El-Erra regional Research Station during Tow growing seasons (2020 and 2021), it aimed at Identifying and studying the genetic diversity of Yemeni fenugreek genotypes. The experiment consisted of 63 fenugreek genotypes using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Data on morphological yield and yield components were recorded and analyzed.  Our research results indicated that Different among genotypes were highly significant for most of the characters, implying a wide range of variability has been obtained for the traits studied. The 63 fenugreek genotypes material were grouped in to six clusters based on wards method. It was asserted that geographic diversity should not necessarily be used as an index of genetic diversity and parental selection but should be based on systematic study of genetic diversity in a specific population. The variability for improvement traits in fenugreek have genetic base, making selections for improvement levels of these traits possibility. Fenugreek plays a major role to progress towards the exploitation of crop to overcome micronutrient deficiency in human beings. The associated issues to strengthen crop bio fortification through fenugreek research and development have been dealt in this piece of research work.

Key words:  Genetic diversity, evaluation, Genotypes, Fenugreek.

Full paper in English: pdf

The Effect of Using Ground and Foliar Fertilizers on Population Dynamic of Two Species of Mites That Effect Apple in Governorate.

Jihan  Al-Abdullah* (1) and Mageda  Mofleh( 2)

(1). Suwayda Research Center, General Commission for Scientific and Agricultural Research, Syria

(2). Plant Protection Research Department, General Commission for Scientific and Agricultural  Research, Damascus, Syria

(*Corresponding author Jihan M. Al-Abdullah.E.MAIL:  Jihan_na@hotmail.com)

Received:8/07/2024                   Accepted:4/11/2024


The effect of some ground and foliar fertilizer treatments with nitrogen, potassium, and calcium compound were studied on the two species of mites Panonychus ulmi Koch Tetranychus urticae Koch on the Golden delicious and Starking delicious apple varieties in the Dhahr al-Jabal area in As_Suwayda Governorate, between 2019-2021, the results showed that the use of ground fertilizer treatments did not have a significant impact on the population of mites that affect apples, except for the treatment of potash sulfate on the Golden variety, where the population of P. ulmi eggs increased significantly from the rest of the treatments. Foliar treatment with potash fertilizers affected differently the two species of mites, it reduced the population of T. urticae, increased the population of P. ulmi, and the addition of calcium compounds foliar led to an increase in the population of T. urticae. The effect of nitrogen fertilizers had a different effect between the varieties.   The relationship between mites and plant nutrition is complex and varies depending on the species of mites and plant variety, and needs more detailed studies.

Keywords: apples, mites. Tetranychus urticae, Panonychus ulmi, Fertilizer Treatments.

Full paper in Arabic: pdf

Heterosis And Heritability for Morphological And Earliness Traits In Faba Bean

Hasan Alassaf(1)*, Khaled Almohammad(1) and Abdullah Alyousef(2)

(1). Dept. of Crop, Faculty of Agriculture engineering, University of Aleppo,Syria.

(2). Aleppo Research Center,General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Syria.

Received:23/07/2024                         Accepted:4/11/2024


The research was conducted at Homimah during tow cropping seasons 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. in order to estimate hybrid vigor and heritability for 18 hybrid groups of faba beans obtained by hybridization method line × tester. In the first season parents (baladi mohasan, hama2, haha3) as female and (G8, G9, G23, G24, G36, G69) as male were planted and at flowering stage lines x testers cross were done and Eighteen Hybrids group were obtained. In the second season Hybrid groups and their parents were planted in Randomized complete block design with tow replications Analysis of variance, Hybrid vigor and heritability for plant Hight, bod length, flowing days, maturity days were assessed. Analysis of variance showed genotypic variance was less than environment variance for plant height and bod length whereas more than environmental variance and heritability for flowering days and maturity days. Hybrid groups (Hama3 x G8), (Hama3 x G23), (Hama2 x G69) and (baladi mohasan x G69) have had high negative significant of mid parent hetero vigor for flowring days numbers and maturity days numbers (-2,,-2) , (-1,-2), (-1,-2), (-2,-2) as all in positive direction , whereas hybrid group (Hama x G69) have had significant best parent hetero vigor (1) for flowering days and (-46) for pod length and they negative directions.                                                                           

Keywords: Faba bean, lines x testers, Heterosis, heritability.

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Response of False Lemon Balm (Lippia citriodora L.) to Foliar Spraying with Seaweed Extract and Ascorbic Acid

Bayan Aqeel(1)*, Mahmoud Baghdadi(1) , Ahmed Qattaa(1)

(1).  Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo, Syria

(*Corresponding author: Bayan Aqeel, E.mail: bayanakil095@gmail.com, 0992282023)

Received:8/09/2024                         Accepted:15/11/2024


The research aimed to study the effect of foliar spraying using organic materials (marine algae extract, ascorbic acid). In the false lemon balm plant, in terms of the type of substance, its concentration in vegetative growth, and the content of chlorophyll and essential oil in the leaves. The research was carried out in the garden of the Horticulture Department at the University of Aleppo during the 2022 season, and foliar spraying was carried out with the following treatments: control (with normal water), seaweed extract (1, 2, 3 ml/L), pure ascorbic acid at a concentration of (50, 100, 150 ppm), the treatments were carried out at three different times. The readings showed the following: The use of seaweed extract at a concentration of (3 ml/L) led to a significant increase in plant height, which reached (86.33 cm), a significant increase in the number of leaves (132.33), and a significant increase in the number of floral growths (16), while the highest percentage of essential oil was obtained when using ascorbic acid at a concentration of (150 ppm) compared to the rest of the treatments, as the percentage of essential oil reached 1.47%)

Keywords: lemon balm, Seaweed extract,, ascorbic acid, vegetative growth, essential oil.

Full paper in Arabic: pdf

An Analytical Economic Study of the Competitiveness of Egyptian Agricultural Exports to the BRICS Bloc

Dina Farouk Enany*(1), Amany  Mahmoud Elhosseni(1) and  Taher M. Saied Kadah(2)

(1). Department of Research and Regional Studies, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, (ARC), Egypt.

(2). Central Laboratory of Residue analyses of Pesticides and Heavy Metals in Food (QCAP), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Egypt.

(*Corresponding author: Dina Farouk Enany, E.mail:dr.dinatahsin@:gmail.com, 00201015838339)

Received:23/07/2024                         Accepted:4/11/2024


Foreign trade plays an important role in the Egyptian national economy, as it contributes to financing economic development plans, thereby increasing Egypt’s national income. This necessitates studying the possibility of introducing agricultural crops to promising markets, including the BRICS countries, to benefit from the advantages of joining this bloc. The research problem is reflected in the weakness of Egyptian agricultural exports to BRICS countries, which amounted to about $366.20 million, representing around 12.71% of Egypt’s total agricultural exports to the world. This calls for opening new markets in the BRICS countries, enhancing them, and addressing all the obstacles hindering trade between them. The research aimed to study the indicators of efficiency and competitiveness of foreign agricultural trade between Egypt and the BRICS countries in general, and Russia in particular. Most of Egypt’s agricultural exports are concentrated in Russia, without equal distribution among the other countries. Exports to Russia account for approximately 46% of Egypt’s total agricultural exports to the BRICS bloc. Egypt’s share of orange and potato exports to Russia is about 56.26% and 99.78%, respectively, of Egypt’s total exports of these crops to the BRICS countries, as an average for the period (2016-2023). This indicates that most of Egypt’s agricultural exports are concentrated in these two crops, without diversification across different agricultural groups. Therefore, efforts should be made to distribute these exports across the BRICS countries to reduce the risks of monopoly and control by importing markets over Egyptian agricultural crops and goods. Moreover, Egypt’s agricultural imports from Russia are significantly high, with the share of grain imports (wheat and maize) from Russia reaching 42.18%. The relative agricultural trade balance index stood at (-74.58%), indicating Egypt’s heavy reliance on grain imports from Russia.

Keywords: BRICS, Russia, oranges, potatoes, competitiveness, SWOT model.

Full paper in Arabic: pdf

Manufacture of Functional Soft Cheese Supplemental with Spirulina Powder and Study of it Chemical, Physicaland Sensorial Properties During Storage

Hadeel kouzy(1)*  and Omer Zammar(2)

(1). Department of Food  Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, AL-Baath University, Homs. Syria.

(2). Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, AL-Baath University, Homs. Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Hadeel Kouzy. E-Mail: hadeel.kouzy@gmail.com)

 Mobile number: 0938315603 )

Received: 5/08/2024                                     Accepted:4/11/2024


This research was conducted in the Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Al-Baath University in 2023. The aim of this research was to enhance the nutritional value of cheese by adding spirulina algae powder due to its richness in proteins, antioxidants and various minerals, and to enhance the color as a factor to attract consumers. Spirulina is a rich source of chlorophyll pigments, and accordingly, spirulina powder was added to soft cheese at three concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 1.5)%. Then, the physical, chemical and sensory properties of the resulting cheese were studied during storage for 14 days at a temperature of 4°C. The results showed that the content of the samples of total solid matter, ash, protein and fat increased with increasing the concentration of the addition, especially at the highest concentration (1.5)%, while the carbohydrate content of the samples decreased insignificantly with increasing concentration of the addition. The pH increased and the acidity decreased significantly in all samples fortified with spirulina powder compared to the control cheese sample. The antioxidant activity also increased with increasing powder concentration compared to the control sample. In addition, the results of the physical analysis showed that the hardness values ​​increased significantly with increasing the concentration of the additive and also with increasing the storage period until the fourteenth day of refrigerated storage, which affected the general acceptance of the cheese samples. The value of the a* index decreased significantly with increasing the concentration of spirulina in the cheese samples, while the water activity decreased with increasing the concentration of the additive, which led to a reduction in microbial activity.

Keywords: cheese, Spirulina, antioxidants, phenolic compounds, physical properties.

Full paper in Arabic: pdf

Quality and Safety Assessment of Some Local and Imported Canned Meat and Fish Products in Basrah City

Atheer A. Al-Mutury*(1) Sabah M.H. Al-Shatty(1)  Asaad R. Al-Hilphy(1)

(1). Department of Food Science, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq.

(*Corresponding Author: Atheer A. Al-Mutury, e-mail: atheerengineer85@gmail.com).

Received:  8/08/2024                    Accepted:  21/10/2024


The current study aimed to investigate the quality of local and imported canned meat and fish products, microbial and chemically. Twelve’s samples of imported and local canned fish and meat were examined. The chemical composition (moisture, protein, fat, ash), qualitative and microbial characteristics of canned meat and fish were estimated. The results showed that the highest and lowest percentage of components were (74.32, 51.43, 23.65, 17.53, 21.54, 3.72, 3.86, 1.50) %, respectively. As for the chemical indicators of quality (pH, peroxide value, acid number, free fatty acid percentage, thiobarbituric acid value, total volatile nitrogen), the highest and lowest value reached (6.55, 5.51) (1.6, 0.24) milliequivalents/kg fish or meat (0.50, 0.08) mg KOH/100 gm oil (0.04, 0.25%) (0.71, 0.22) mg Malonaldehyde/kg fish or meat (18.4, 8.4) mg nitrogen/100 gm fish or meat, respectively. While the bacterial indicators of quality (the total bacterial count, the coliform bacteria count, the obligatory anaerobic bacteria that form spores, and the sulfur-producing bacteria count), were within the required specifications and there was no bacterial growth in them. The results of the study revealed the possibility of eating and consuming canned food without fear, despite the long period since its production. The locally sterilized canned Talang queen fish and beef samples were better quality in a bacterial and chemical properties, as well as being free of preservatives.

Keywords: chemical composition, canned meat and fish, microbial quality, chemical indicators.

Full paper in Arabic: pdf

Effect of Processing, Packaging and Storage Temperature on Some Chemical Properties in Kashkaval Cheese Curd

Batoul Ramadan(1)*, Antoun  Youseef(1) and Ramadan Atraa(1)

(1). Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Al-Baath University, Homs, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Batoul Ramadan, E.mail: batoulramadan612@gmail.com,  phone: 0946191638).

Received: 26/09/2024                              Accepted:15/11/2024


This study investigates the frozen storage of Kashkaval cheese curd, prepared in the laboratory using three different starter ratios (1%, 1.5%, 2%). Two types of packaging materials were utilized: 100-micron transparent, light-permeable polyethylene bags, and polyethylene bags with an aluminum layer that is impermeable to light. The curd was stored at -10°C and -18°C in specialized freezers without forced air circulation in the laboratories of the Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering/Department of Food Engineering. The findings indicate that the curd can be effectively stored by freezing for up to six months. Significant changes in the chemical composition, particularly in pH value, free fatty acids, and water content, were observed with the most pronounced changes occurring at -10°C. The starter ratio had an effect on the pH and fat values ​​during storage period.

Keywords: Curd, Freezing, Polyethylene, Kashkav.

Full paper in Arabic: pdf

Effect of Foliar Spraying with Some Nutrients and Seaweed Extract On Some Apple Fruit Quality and Physical and Chemical Specifications Variety

Tahani Kousa(1)* , Rashid Kharbotl1(1) and Abd el-Aziz Boessa(2)

(1). Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University.

(2). Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University,  Lattakia.

(*Corresponding author: Tahani Kousa.E-Mail:tahanikousa@gmail.com).

Received: 27/07/2024               Accepted:24/10/2024


This study was carried out in the village of Kassab in Lattakia Governorate on the apple trees of the (Golden delicious) variety during the two growing seasons (2021-2022) to find out the effect of foliar spraying with some nutrients on some physical and chemical specifications of apple fruits of the Golden delicious, the experiment included nine treatments, where spraying with boron, potassium and seaweed extract was carried out individually or in combination with each other,  The spraying process with these materials led to a significant superiority of the studied transactions compared to the control, where the average weight of the fruit increased and gave (180.00) g in the treatment (B+K) While in the witness it was (150.50) g, as for the size of the fruits, the highest volume was recorded in (B+K) (180.83) cm3 and the lowest value in the witness (146.67) cm3. Foliar spraying with these substances also led to an increase in the percentage of total sugars, the highest value was in (B+K+SW) (15.67)%, while the control (13.30)% was also observed, and a decrease in acidity was also observed in (B+K+SW) (0.42)% compared to the control (0.66)%. An increase in the productivity of trees was also observed, where the highest value was recorded in the treatment of (K+B+SW), which is (3926.80) kg/dunum, and the lowest was in the treatment of the witness (2750.00) kg/dunum.

Keywords: : apples, golden delicious, foliar spraying, potassium, boron, seaweedextracts.

Full paper in Arabic: pdf