Disease Distribution and Physiologic Races of Wheat Yellow Rust Caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in North Eastern Syria.

 Alan A. Ramo*(1), Mohammad F. Azmeh(2)&Omran A. Youssef(1)

(1). Scientific Agriculture Research Center of Al Qamishly, Al Qamishly, Syria.
(2). Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Alan REMO: Scientific Agricultural Research Centre of Lattakia, Lattakia, Syria. E-mail: alan-remo@hotmail.com).

Received: 10 / 09 / 2014                       Accepted: 30 / 11 / 2014


Yellow rust or stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici is the most important fungal diseases on wheat. The disease spread in all wheat growing areas of Syria. To identify the distribution of the disease and its physiologic races, field survey have been conducted in 143 fields in 2013 and 109 fields in 2014 in different wheat growing areas in north eastern Syria. Diseased leaf samples were collected from farmers’ fields and uredeniospores were isolated from each field samples. Identification of physiologic races was performed by evaluating the reaction type of seedlings of the differential cultivars. Results of yellow rust survey showed that the distribution of disease was limited, with an infected fields’ ratio of 18.34% in 2014, while it was 40.55% in 2013. It was noticed that the infection did not appear on durum wheat during 2013 and 2014, while all infections were recorded on bread wheat. Results of race identification showed that a number of physiologic races were spread in wheat fields. Four races have been isolated and identified (6E16, 0E0, 82E16, 4E2), with race 6E16 being the most spread race during the study period, while the race 0E0 was the least spread.

Keywords: Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici,Survey, Syria, Wheat, Yellow rust.

Full paper in Arabic:

توزع مرض الصدأ الأصفر Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici على القمح وسلالاتها الفيزيولوجية في شمال شرق سورية.

Evaluation of Some Methods Used for The Diagnosis of Subclinical Mastitis in Damascus Goats, Syria

Mohamad Roukbi(1), Abdelnaser Omar(2),Zuhair Salam(3)& Khaled Bebeh(3)

(1). Humeimeh Research Station, Aleppo Scientific Sgricultural Center, P.O Box 4195, Syria.
(2). Hama Agricultural research center, Syria.
(3). Animal livestock research Directorate, General Commission for Agricultural Research, Damascus, Syria.

(Corresponding author: Dr. Mohamad Roukbi: Humeimeh Research Station, Aleppo Scientific Agricultural Center, P.O Box 4195, Syria. E-mail:roukbi2008@yahoo.com).

                 Received: 14 / 09 / 2014                     Accepted: 30 / 11 / 2014


The study was conducted to evaluate California mastitis test, electrical conductivity measurement and lactose content as markers for subclinical-intramammary infection (IMI) in goats. It was performed at Humeimeh Research Station of Damascus Goats, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR) from January to March 2011 on dairy goats aged 2 to 6 years. Milk samples were taken from 134 dairy goats during morning milking according to habitual procedure and screened for evidence of subclinical mastitis by California Mastitis Test (CMT), electrical conductivity measurement (EC) and lactose content (LC) of milk. Positive (+1&+3) CMT and /or high electrical conductivity milk samples were subjected to bacteriological examination to distinguish between healthy (absence of mastitis agents) and infected (presence of contagious or environmental mastitis agents). The overall prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 24.6%. Percentage of positive (+1& +3), suspected and negative CMT reactions were 76.85%, 8.95% and 14.2%, respectively. The values of electrical conductivity of negative, suspected and positive (+1, +2 and+3) CMT milk samples were: 3.93±0.64 ms/cm, 4.47±0.61 ms/cm, 4.68±0.72 ms/cm, 4.81±0.76 ms/cm and 6.56±0.85 ms/cm respectively. T-test has been shown statistical differences in California mastitis test reactions and electrical conductivity readings, and not statistically for milk lactose content, between positive and negative results for bacterial growth. Intramammary infection was found in 40.9% milk samples caused by Staphylococcus (75%), alone E. coli (16.6%) or associated with streptococci (8.3%). Correlation coefficient between CMT reactions with electrical conductivity readings was (r=0.494). Higher Pearson’s correlation coefficient for electrical conductivity measurement and Kappa agreement index (r=0.491 and 0.42 respectively) with positive bacterial growth milk samples than for CMT (r=0.35 and 0.12 respectively) make the electrical conductivity measurement more compatible with the results of bacteriological analysis than CMT.

Key words: Californiamastitis test, Damascus goats, Electrical conductivity, Subclinical mastitis, Lactose content in milk.

Full paper in Arabic:

تقييم بعض الطرائق المستخدمة في تشخيص التهاب الضرع تحت السريري لدى الماعز الشامي،سورية

Determination of Hemoglobin Level and Hematocrit Rate in The Offspring of Jabali and Crossbred Goats (50% F3)

Al-Moutassem Bellah Aldaker(1), Mansour Ahmad(1), Faisal Alhanafi(1), Hounada Alerksousi(1), Ali Alhawarin(2)& Gawad Sharaf(2)

(1). Animal Wealth Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, P. O. Box 113,Doma, Damascus, Syria.
(2). Scientific Agricultural Research Center of Swidaa, Ura Station for Improving the Mountain Goats, Swidaa, Syria.

(Corresponding author: Dr. Al-Moutassem Bellah Aldaker: Animal Wealth Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, P. O. Box 113, Doma, Damascus, Syria, e-mail: aldakermb@gmail.com).

Received: 17 / 07 / 2014           Accepted: 04 / 11 / 2014


The present work was carried out at Swidaa, Syria, Ura Station for Improving the Mountain Goats, Animal Wealth Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, to determine the natural levels of hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (HCT) in the Jabali and crossbred offspring. The results could be useful in predicting the occurrence of health or nutrition disorders in the new born goats, consequently reducing the rate of death. Fifty (25 males and 25 females) from both breeds, similar in age and weight were used. Monthly blood samples were taken from weaning for a period of 6 months, and levels of (Hb) and (HCT) in the Jabali and crossbred offspring were determined. Results indicated that the levels of Hb ranged between 8 and 13 g/dl in males and females in both breeds, with no significant difference between males and females within the same breed, whereas, there was a significant difference (P<0.001) in the Hb level with advancing age in males and females in both breeds. Results also showed that the rates of HCT were between 27 and 32% during the study, taking into account that the statistical differences were identical to the differences in Hb levels related to the level changes in males and females and between the 2 breeds, and with advancing age. Hereby, a table containing Hb level and HCT rate with advancing age was made. With this table, we could predict any disorder concerning the two parameters and weather the parameters were health or nutrition-related reason to conduct the needed treatments to avoid the death of new born animals.

Keywords: Capra hircus, offspring, blood parameters, hemoglobin, hematocrit.

Full paper in Arabic: تحديد مستوى خضاب الدم ونسبة الرسابة في مواليد الماعز الجبلي والهجين 

Effect of Sire, Birth Year and Season on The Age of First Calving in Shami Cattle in Syria

Wesam Al-Saife(1) , Soliman Salhab(2)& Khaled El-Najjar(1)

(1). Animal Wealth Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, P. O. Box 113,Doma, Damascus, Syria.
(2). Department of Animal production, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University. Damascus, Syria.

(Corresponding author: Eng. Wesam Al-Saife: Animal Wealth Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, P. O. Box 113, Doma, Damascus, Syria. E-mail: bombix668@hotmail.com).

                              Received: 22 / 07 / 2014                        Accepted: 20 / 12 / 2014


This research was conducted in 2010, to determine the age at first calving (AFC) in Shami cattle reared in Dier Alhajar Research Station of the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), and determine the effect of sire, birth year, birth season and their interactions. 738 records of Shami cattle were collected between 1981 and 2006 and used. Data were subjected to general linear model and the analysis of variance was used to determine the effect of sire, birth year, birth season, and their interactions. Least Square Means (LSM) and Standard Error (SE) were used for calculation of (AFC). Duncan test was used to compare means. SAS –program (1996) was used for the statistical analysis. Results indicated that, Least Square Means and Standard Error for (AFC) ranged between 27.80 and 37.77 month, with general mean 32.49±5.15 month. Effect of birth year was significant (P<0.01), while the effects of sire and another factors were not significant. It was concluded that AFC can be reduced by better management and by providing good and suitable rearing and feeding conditions –

Key words: Age at first calving, Shami cattle, Genetic and non genetic factors.

 Full paper in Arabic:

تأثير كل من الأب وسنة وفصل الميلاد في العمر عند الولادة الأولى عند الأبقار الشامية في سورية

Effect of Seven Citrus Rootstocks on Growth and Production of Washington Navel 141Orange

Alaa S. Ibrahim(1), Eshraq S. Ali(1), Raed N. Sbeeh(1), Rafeek A. Abboud(1)&Fadel S. Alkaiem(2)

(1). Ciano Research Station, Scientific Agricultural Researches Center of Lattakiah, Lattakia, Syria.
(2). Scientific Agricultural Researches Center of Lattakiah, Lattakia, Syria.

(Corresponding author: Alaa S. Ibrahim: Ciano Research Station, Scientific Agricultural Researches Center of Lattakiah, Lattakia, Syria. E-mail: alaasoeb@gmail.com).

                          Received: 13 / 07 / 2014               Accepted: 07 / 12 / 2014


The study was carried out during 2011-2012 at Ciano citrus experimental station. Growth and yield of 22 years old orange trees (Washington Navel 141) budded on seven citrus rootstocks (Sour orange, Troyer citrange, Carrizo citrange, Citrumelo 4475, Citrumelo 1452, Macrophylla and Cleopatra mandarin) have been studied. The results showed that Sour orange gave the highest yield (79 kg/tree). Citrumelo 4475 significantly showed the highest trunk section area of the rootstock (779.88 cm2); the highest percentage of fruit juice was achieved by Citrumelo 4475 and Troyer citrange (43.43%, 42.37%) respectively, which were significantly superior to Cleopatra (37.39%). The highest percentage of total soluble solids was achieved by Cleopatra (13.1 %), while the highest TA% achieved by Citrumelo 4475 (0.88%) without significant differences compared to other treatments.

Keywords: Navel orange, Citrus rootstocks, Production, Sour orange, Citrange, Citrumelo.

Full paper in Arabic: تأثير سبعة أصول من الحمضيات في نمو وإنتاج صنف البرتقال أبو صرة (Washington Navel 141)

Effect of Chemical Treatments Against Yellow Rust on The Infection and The Production of Wheat

Omran Youssef(1), Helim Youssef(1), Alan Ramo(1), Mahmoud Hasan(1), Sultan Shekhmous(1), Afrem Issa(1), Nawzad Suleman(1)& Abdul-Ruhman Issa(1)

(1). Al-Qamishli Agricultural Research Center, Al-Qamishli, Syria.

(Corresponding author: Dr. Omran Yousef: Al-Qamishli Agricultural Research Center, Al-Qamishli, Syria. E-mail: om_youssef@yahoo.com).

                            Received: 14 / 07 / 2014                         Accepted: 25 / 10 / 2014


Results of efficacy test of nine fungicides from different chemical groups in controlling yellow rust caused by Puccinia striiformisf.sp. tritici on bread wheat Cham8 in 2011 in north-eastern Syria showed disease stop with 100% efficacy of Folicure (1 l/ha) after fifth day from spray and lasted for 20 days, Nativo with 94.64% efficacy, Marlo 88.23% and Folicure (0.5 l/ha) 86.51%, then followed by Bayfidan (84.79%) and Ortiva (80.79%), while the efficacy of all other fungicides was less than 70%. The tested fungicides did not show any clear toxicity on wheat except Foliogold which recorded neil toxicity, also Score, Marlo and Bayfidan but with lesser degree. Results did not show significant difference in spike length with different fungicides compared with the control. Results showed increase in number of grains per spike and thousand grains weight (TGW) for all tested fungicide compared with the control. Increase in yield was recorded with all fungicides compared with control except Foliogold and Sodium hydrogen carbonate 5%. The higher increase in yield was recorded with Folicure at two concentrations 1, 0.5 l/ha.

Key words: Chemical control, Fungicides, Syria, Wheat, Yellow Rust.

Full paper in Arabic::تأثير المعاملات الكيميائية ضد الصدأ الأصفر على إصابة القمح وإنتاجه

Transmission of Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV) Through Tomato and Pepper Seeds and The Efficiency of Thrips tabaci  to Transmit Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)

Faiz Ismaeil(1), Amin Amer Haj Kassem(2), Salah Al-Chaabi(1)& Jamal Mando(1)

(1). General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Administration of Plant Protection Research, Douma, P. O. Pox 113, Damascus, Syria.
(2). Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.

(Corresponding author: Dr. Faiz Ismaeil: General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR),Damascus, Syria. E-mail: faizismail@mail.sy).

                      Received: 17 / 07 / 2014                                Accepted: 27 / 11 / 2014


Seed transmission of Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) was studied in 800 seedlings derived from seeds collected from infected tomato and pepper fruits (400 seedlings for each species), as determined by DAS-ELISA test during 2009. The serological test results showed that the rate of virus seed transmission in tomato seedlings was 16.7%, meanwhile, no seed transmission was recorded in pepper tested seeds. Survey results of ToMV in ground seeds of 21 tomato imported hybrids showed that the virus was only detected in two hybrids; meanwhile, the seedlings of all other hybrids were virus-free after planting their seeds. The efficiency of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) transmission by onion thrips (Thrips tabaci), the most prevalent vector in most tomato and pepper fields in the governorates of Dara’a, Al-Qunaitara and Damascus countryside was studied, and it was found to be around 7.5%. Adult insects carrying the virus were able to transmit it to healthy tomato plants after one day of acquisition feeding on virus infected tomato and pepper plants. Virus disease symptoms (mottling, yellow blotching and leaf curling) appeared on inoculated healthy plants 8 days after inoculation.

Key words: Pepper, seed transmission, tomato, ToMV, TSWV, virus transmission.

Full paper in Arabic:

انتقال فيروس موزاييك البندورة (ToMV) بوساطة بذور البندورة والفليفلة وكفاءة حشرة Thripstabaci في نقل فيروس الذبول المتبقع للبندورة (TSWV)

Repellent Effect of Kaolin Particle Film, (SURROUND) on Eggs Laying of Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc). (Psyllidae; Hemiptera)

MazenBufaur(¹), Vili Harizanova(²) & Nariman Al-Zugbi(¹)

(1). Scientific Agriculture Research Centre of Swieda.P.O. Box: 461, Swieda, Syria.
(2). Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

(Corresponding author: Dr. Mazen Bufaur, Scientific Agriculture Research Centre of Swieda .P.O. Box: 461, Swieda, Syria. E-mail: mazenaudy@yahoo.com).

                 Received: 09 / 07 / 2014                 Accepted: 02 / 12 / 2014


Field experiments were conducted in 2012, 2013 on pear trees in the Scientific Agricultural Research Center of Sweada, Syria, to study the efficacy of kaolin-particle film Surround WP® (Engelhard Corp.) on lowering the number of eggs laid by the over-wintering females of pear psylla Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc,1907). Two treatments (A & B) were conducted and control was untreated. Treatment A with a single pre-blooming application and treatment B with two pre-blooming applications. In 2012, the efficacy of one application was 98.2% in treatment A and 97.4% in treatment B. However after the second application in the treatment B the efficacy reduced to 94.2% while in case single application (treatment A) the efficacy reduced to 85.65%. In 2013 the efficacy of kaolin-particle film in pre-blooming first application were 84.05%, 81.55% in treatments A and B respectively, and after  second application to B treatment, the recorded efficacy were 83.12%, 95.82% in treatments A and B respectively. The experiment was also conducted on the foliage of pear trees in the previous two years and the efficacy of Surround WP® was 90.82%, 89.15% in treatment B in 2012, 2013 respectively while in A were 69.74%,73.84% respectively. In a laboratory experiment with treated and untreated pear leaves adult females spent significantly less time on treated compared to untreated.

Key words: Repellent effect, Particle film technology, Kaolin, Over-wintering females, Pear psylla, Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc).

Full paper in Arabic:

التأثير الطارد لمركب الكلس الميكروني (Surround) على وضع البيض لحشرة بسيلا الأجاص

The Functional and Numerical Response of Predator Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant fed on Different Densities of the Spider Mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch) in laboratory.

Magda Mofleh(1), AhmadMohammad(2)& MonzerHaloum(2)

(1). Scientific Agricultural Research Centre of Lattakia, Lattakia, Syria.
(2). Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.

(Corresponding author: Dr. Magda MOFLEH: Scientific Agricultural Research Centre of Lattakia, Lattakia, Syria. E-mail:Magda.mofleh@yahoo.com).

                      Received: 24 / 09 / 2014                                   Accepted: 01 / 12 / 2014


The functional and numerical response of Stethorusv gilvifrons on different densities of adult prey Tetranychus urticae (Koch) was studied on leaf discs of Ricinus communis, at temperature 30±2ºC in laboratory. The predator consumed 4.04±0.79 adults/day, when prey density was 5 adults. The predator consumption increased with increasing prey density. At 50 preys the predator consumed 32.04±8.3 adults/day. Predation reached to 57.96±10.9 adults/day when prey density was 100 adults. So according Holling (1959) model of functional response, we put S. gilvifrons predator under the third type (type III). The increase of prey density caused increasing in egg numbers of predator. The predator female didn’t lay any eggs when prey density was 5 adults. The predator began laid eggs in few numbers 0.29±0.63 egg/day when fed on 10 prey adults/day, and these numbers of eggs laid by predator increased to 3.69±2.3 egg/day under prey density of 15 prey adult/day. the increase of egg numbers reached to 21.2±4.6 egg/day when prey density was 100 prey/day, so we noticed the predator oviposition increased with high prey density, and these increase caused by increase in predation efficiency and these lead to another kind of response called numerical response.

Key words: Tetranychus urticae, Stethorus gilvifrons, Functional response, Numerical response.

Full paper in Arabic:

الاستجابة الوظيفية والعددية للمفترس Stethorus gilvifrons عند تغذيته على كثافات مختلفة من بالغات الأكاروس العنكبوتي ذي البقعتين Tetranychus urticae مخبرياً.

Response of Mono and Multigerm Varieties of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) to Nitrogen Fertilization, Using Two Irrigation Methods (Sprinkler – Furrow) During Summer Time

Awadis Arslan(1), Entessar Al Jbawi(1), Ziad Al Ibrahim(2)& Khaled Al Ismaeel(2)

(1). General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR). Douma, P. O. Box 113, Damascus, Syria.
(2). Scientific Agricultural Research Center of Der- Al Zur. Der-Al Zur, Syria.

(Corresponding author: Dr. Entessar Al Jbawi: General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR). Douma, P. O. Box 113, Damascus, Syria. E-mail: dr.entessara@gmail.com).

Received: 19 / 07 / 2014           Accepted: 04 / 10 / 2014


The field experiment was conducted at Al Mray’eyh Research Station, Scientific Agricultural Research Center of Der- Al Zur (NE Syria) during 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 seasons, to study the effect of two methods of irrigation (sprinkler, furrow) and five levels of nitrogen fertilizers (0, 60, 120, 180 and 240), on technological and production traits of three sugar beet varieties, i.e. Dita, Reda, and Nadir in summer time. The experiment was sown in August. A split split plot design was used with four replications. The results exhibited that the addition of 180 pure unit of nitrogen achieved the best technological and production traits. Dita monogerm variety surpassed the other varieties in most of the technological and production characters. It is recommended the sprinkler irrigation, because it increased sucrose percentage (16.2%) and root yield (73.7 ton/ha), as compared with furrow irrigation (15.9%, 67.2 ton/ha) respectively, besides sprinkler irrigation saves water consumption about 20% as compared with furrow irrigation method.

Key words: Sugar beet, Summer time, Irrigation methods, Nitrogen fertilization, Technological traits, Production traits, Varieties.


Full paper in Arabic:

استجابة أصناف من الشوندر السكري(Beta vulgaris L) وحيد ومتعدد الأجنة للتسميد الآزوتي باستخدام طريقتين للري (رذاذ وسطحي) في العروة الصيفية.