MazenBufaur(¹), Vili Harizanova(²) & Nariman Al-Zugbi(¹)
(1). Scientific Agriculture Research Centre of Swieda.P.O. Box: 461, Swieda, Syria.
(2). Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
(Corresponding author: Dr. Mazen Bufaur, Scientific Agriculture Research Centre of Swieda .P.O. Box: 461, Swieda, Syria. E-mail:
Received: 09 / 07 / 2014 Accepted: 02 / 12 / 2014
Field experiments were conducted in 2012, 2013 on pear trees in the Scientific Agricultural Research Center of Sweada, Syria, to study the efficacy of kaolin-particle film Surround WP® (Engelhard Corp.) on lowering the number of eggs laid by the over-wintering females of pear psylla Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc,1907). Two treatments (A & B) were conducted and control was untreated. Treatment A with a single pre-blooming application and treatment B with two pre-blooming applications. In 2012, the efficacy of one application was 98.2% in treatment A and 97.4% in treatment B. However after the second application in the treatment B the efficacy reduced to 94.2% while in case single application (treatment A) the efficacy reduced to 85.65%. In 2013 the efficacy of kaolin-particle film in pre-blooming first application were 84.05%, 81.55% in treatments A and B respectively, and after second application to B treatment, the recorded efficacy were 83.12%, 95.82% in treatments A and B respectively. The experiment was also conducted on the foliage of pear trees in the previous two years and the efficacy of Surround WP® was 90.82%, 89.15% in treatment B in 2012, 2013 respectively while in A were 69.74%,73.84% respectively. In a laboratory experiment with treated and untreated pear leaves adult females spent significantly less time on treated compared to untreated.
Key words: Repellent effect, Particle film technology, Kaolin, Over-wintering females, Pear psylla, Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc).
Full paper in Arabic:
التأثير الطارد لمركب الكلس الميكروني (Surround) على وضع البيض لحشرة بسيلا الأجاص