Effectiveness of Kaolin, Silica and Zeolite Dusts Against Cowpea Beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) Under Laboratory Conditions

Ziad Chikh-Khamis(1) Ebraheem Al-Jouri*(2) and Rehab Esber(1)

(1). Plant Protection Department, Agricultural Engineering Faculty, Al-Baath University, Homs, Syria.

(2)  . Insect Research Department, Plant Protection Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Ebraheem Al-Jouri. E-mail: e-jouri@gcsar.gov.com and ejouri73@gmail.com).

Received: 13/08/2018                                Accepted: 30/01/2019


Three types of inert dusts i.e. Kaolin, Silica and Zeolite, was tested against cowpea seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) adults at five concentrations viz. 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 g/kg cowpea seeds. The study was carried out at Biotechnology Research Center, Al-baath University.  mortality rates were calculated after 72 hours and effectiveness to reduce loss of seed weight damage rate and the reduction of adult emergence were calculated. The results showed the effectiveness of three dusts in increasing mortality rates with superiority to Kaolin which increased by 85.49% and with significant deference P≥0.01 compared to both dusts Silica 81.72% and Zeolite 82.93%, and the effectiveness increased with increasing the concentration. The maximum value was 85.58% at a concentration of 80 g/kg and the lowest value was 76.36% at a concentration of 5 g/kg. The relationship was positive between increasing concentration and increasing effectiveness of dusts in reducing seed loss, damage ratio and adult emergence, where the effectiveness at a concentration of 5 g/kg were 88.11, 88.59 and 89.07% respectively, and the effectiveness increased at a concentration of 80 g/kg were 98.54 and 98.14 and 98.28% respectively. Kaolin dust was superior over Silica and Zeolite where Kaolin effectiveness in reducing weight loss, damage and adult emergence were 99.71, 99.70 and 99.77%, respectively, while it was 87.06, 87.76 and 86.56%, respectively in case of Zeolite. The results of the study showed that Kaolin dust is the most effectiveness compared to Silca and Zeolite against Cowpea seed beetle.

Keywords: Kaolin, Silica, Zeolite, Cowpea seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus.

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Repellent Effect of Kaolin Particle Film, (SURROUND) on Eggs Laying of Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc). (Psyllidae; Hemiptera)

MazenBufaur(¹), Vili Harizanova(²) & Nariman Al-Zugbi(¹)

(1). Scientific Agriculture Research Centre of Swieda.P.O. Box: 461, Swieda, Syria.
(2). Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

(Corresponding author: Dr. Mazen Bufaur, Scientific Agriculture Research Centre of Swieda .P.O. Box: 461, Swieda, Syria. E-mail: mazenaudy@yahoo.com).

                 Received: 09 / 07 / 2014                 Accepted: 02 / 12 / 2014


Field experiments were conducted in 2012, 2013 on pear trees in the Scientific Agricultural Research Center of Sweada, Syria, to study the efficacy of kaolin-particle film Surround WP® (Engelhard Corp.) on lowering the number of eggs laid by the over-wintering females of pear psylla Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc,1907). Two treatments (A & B) were conducted and control was untreated. Treatment A with a single pre-blooming application and treatment B with two pre-blooming applications. In 2012, the efficacy of one application was 98.2% in treatment A and 97.4% in treatment B. However after the second application in the treatment B the efficacy reduced to 94.2% while in case single application (treatment A) the efficacy reduced to 85.65%. In 2013 the efficacy of kaolin-particle film in pre-blooming first application were 84.05%, 81.55% in treatments A and B respectively, and after  second application to B treatment, the recorded efficacy were 83.12%, 95.82% in treatments A and B respectively. The experiment was also conducted on the foliage of pear trees in the previous two years and the efficacy of Surround WP® was 90.82%, 89.15% in treatment B in 2012, 2013 respectively while in A were 69.74%,73.84% respectively. In a laboratory experiment with treated and untreated pear leaves adult females spent significantly less time on treated compared to untreated.

Key words: Repellent effect, Particle film technology, Kaolin, Over-wintering females, Pear psylla, Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc).

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التأثير الطارد لمركب الكلس الميكروني (Surround) على وضع البيض لحشرة بسيلا الأجاص