Effect of Sowing Dates and Different Concentrations of IBA ‎on the Multiplication of ‎Dodonaea viscosa ‎

Aysar Mohammad Salem AlMeaamari*(1) and Alaa Hashem Younes AlTaai(1)

(1). Horticulture and Forestry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al Mosul University, Iraq.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Aysar Mohammad Salem AlMeaamari. E-Mail: aysaralsalim@yahoo.com).

Received: 21/03/2020                               Accepted: 12/05/2020


This study was conducted in a plastic house at the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry,  Mosul University, In tow dates (15th November and 15th February) during 2019/2020 season, in order to study the effect of the date of sowing and treatment with Indole Acid at concentrations of (0, 250, 500, 750, 1000 and 2000 mg/L), and the effect of the interaction between them on root ability of the half woody cuttings of Dodonaea viscosa plants, and the extent of its effect on improving the characteristics of root and plant growth.  The experiment was laid according to completely randomized design CRD with two factors and 3 replicates per treatment, and ten cuttings per replicate. The data was statistically analyzed and its treatments were compared with Duncan multiple test. The results showed that the date of getting the cuttings and treatment with Indole acid had a significant impact on the studied traits. No rooting was observed at the first date, while the second date had a clear response after ten weeks of cultivation, where the highest rooting percentage was obtained (33.33 %) due to the treatment with a concentration of 1000 mg/L and the number of roots (14.43) and the highest value of root length (10.86 cm) and the number of vegetative branches (1.96) and the length of the vegetative branch (2.76 cm) besides the fresh weight of the roots (2.50 g) and the highest dry weight (0.08 g).

Keyword: Dodonaea viscosa, Sowing dates, IBA, Multiplication.

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The Phenotypic Characterization of Some Damask Rose (Rosa ‎damascena Mill.) Genotypes Distributed in Latakia ‎Government

Tharwat Saleem Redwan*(1) Hafez Mohammed Mahfouz(1) and Mazen Ali Nassour(2)

(1). Scientific Agricultural Research Center of Lattakia, General Commission for Scientific

Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.

(2). Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Tharwat Saleem  Redwan. E-Mail: tharwat.redwan@yahoo.com) .

Received: 12/12/2018                               Accepted: 08/04/2019


This research aimed to study the morphological characterization and to determine the  variability among twenty Rosa damascene genotypes, which grown in different areas of  Latakia and  compare them with two genotypes from Marah location at the countryside of Damascus to  take advantage of high quality characteristics  in order to be improved in the future, and  to enhance its cultivation. The results of morphological characterization  of forty traits showed a clear difference between some studied genotypes. The highest differences were related to flowers and vegetative characters compared with fruits and seeds characters.  A dendrogram based on the morphological data showed clear separation between studied genotypes, and reached (85%) for flowers characters and reached (60%) for vegetative characters, while it attained (47%)  for  fruits and seeds characters. The study showed that there were a distinct differences for some genotypes which can be used in breeding and genetic improvement programs in the future.
 Key words: Genotypes,  Rosa damascena,  Morphological characterization, Syria.
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In Vitro Micropropagation of Seedlings of Ceratonia siliqua L. ‎with Micro-Cuttings

Fadi Kazngi*(1) Talal Amin(1) and Hafez Mahfoud(2)

(1). Environment and Forestry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.

(2). Biotechnology Division, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Fadi Kazngi. E-Mail: fadikazngi79@yahoo.com).

Received: 30/07/2019                               Accepted: 24/09/2019


This study was carried out during 2018 and 2019 seasons at the Green House Nursery using S1 genotype of Ceratonia Siliqua L. which is grown at the site of Snobar Jablah in Lattakia Governorate to determine the best hormonal balance to multiply the vegetative growth and rooting the micro- cutting of the seedling and thus the possibility of multiplying the desired genotypes of mature carob plants to produce vegetative strains for re-infiltration in its degraded areas. This study found a successful and detailed In Vitro propagation system for rapid micropropagation of carob. 10% Sodium Hypochlorite for 20 minutes gave the best efficiency for surface sterilization of vegetative growth. Concentration of 0.5 mg/L of Gibberellin with BAP at a concentration of 0.5 mg/L gave the best average of shoots length (8.47 cm), while the seedling multiplying became better when using the BAP hormone at a concentration of 0.5 mg/L with 0.1 mg/L of AIB. The best concentration of rooting hormone AIB was 2 mg/L which achieved the best percentage of rooting (71.67%), and the best mean number of roots(5.43) , while the concentration of 1 mg/L achieved the best mean length of roots (4.25 cm).

Key words: Carob, Micropropagation, Benzyl Amino Purine BAP, Indol Butyric Acid AIB.

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The Effect of Different Levels of Poultry Manure on the ‎Production of Pistachios var. ‘Ashouri’‎

Mohammed Al Doeames*(1) Rashid Kharbutli(2) and Rashid AlSaid Omar(3)

 (1). Hamah Research Center, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.

(2). Department of Horticulture Science, Faculty of Agriculture,  Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.

(3). Administration of Horticulture Research, GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Mohammed Al Doeames. E-Mail:mohammaddaems@gmail.com).

Received: 21/03/2020                               Accepted: 12/05/2020


This research was conducted during the seasons 2017 and 2018 on pistachio trees var.’ Ashouri’ which grown in Bsireen village at Hama governorate, in order to study the effect of different levels of  poultry manure on the production of pistachio trees var. Ashouri.  Five rates of poultry manure were applied  (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 kg/tree), and the treatments were (T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 respectively) which compared to chemical fertilizer (T1 treatment) as applied by the farmer, and with a control without any fertilizer addition (T0). The experiment was designed according to randomized complete block design. The results confirmed the positive effect of manure treatments on the productivity indicators of pistachio trees which clearly observed at the second season. The highest production per tree were (34.49, 34.58 and 34.83 kg)  for the treatments (T4, T5 and T6) respectively, and all treatments surpassed the control. In terms of fruits crack and empty fruits ratios the treatments T4, T5, T6 had the best values.

Key words: Pistachio, Pistacia vera, Poultry manure, Productivity traits.

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The Effect of Indole Butyric Acid IBA Concentrations on ‎Rooting and Growth of Stem Cuttings of Thymus spp. Which ‎Spread Naturally in Latakia Governorate

Malak Sabbouh*(1) Talal Amin(2) and Hafez Mahfoud(3)

(1). Forestry and Environment Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.

(2). Biotechnology Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Malak Sabbouh. E-Mail: malak.sabboh@gmail.com).

Received: 08/01/2019                               Accepted: 01/04/2019


The study was conducted during 2018 to determine the effect of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) on rooting of three types of thyme spread naturally in Latakia governorate. A stem cuttings of thymus capitatus (Snobar Gableh), Thymus syriacus (Kasab), and thymus cilicicus (Al-Dalia) were collected. and treated with different concentrations of IBA (0, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 ppm) then they were planted under controlled conditions at the greenhouse of the seedlings of olive propagation in Latakia. The root traits (rooting%, number of roots and length of roots), and shoot traits (length of main stem cm, number of shoots and length of shoots) were measured after two months of planting. The results were analyzed according to Randomized Completely Block Design with three replicates. The treatments of IBA showed positive effect on all the studied trait as compared with the control, according to the concentration of IBA and the species studied. The concentration 500 ppm showed the best results over the studied species of thyme in terms of rooting percentage (81.78%), number of roots (139.86) and number of shoots (6.97), while the concentration of 250 ppm gave the highest root length (16.83 cm) and the main stem length (9.5 cm). In general, these concentrations significantly surpassed the other concentrations. T. cilicicus showed the best root characteristics, while T. capitatus had better shoot characteristics , whereas T. syriacus showed intermediate values between the two previous species.

Key words: Thymus spp., IBA, Stem cutting, Rooting percentage.

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Effect of Foliar Spraying with Different Concentrations of ‎‎(Huzone) Nutrients and Pruning Methods on Growth of ‎Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.)‎

Fawaz Al-haji Abboud (1) Ibrahim Nada Al-Shetewi(1) and Nada Huseen ALAmeir* (1)

(1). Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al Furat, Deir Al-Zour, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Nada Huseed ALAmeir. E-Mail: mmnndd9074@gmail.com).

Received: 07/12/2019                               Accepted: 25/03/2019


The research was carried out during the agricultural seasons of 2017 and 2018 at a private farm in Deir Al-Zour on watermelon plants (Citrullus lanatus L.) Niagara variety to study the effect of using different concentrations of Huzone nutrients (0, 2, 4 and 6 cm3/L per plant), at a rate of three sprays, the first spray was accompanied at the stage of 2nd  leaf formation, and the second was at the beginning of fruit stage formation, while the third spray was  two weeks before fruits maturity. The pruning methods were (Method A: Pruning the plants to three stems while keeping one fruit on each stem, the second method B: Pruning the plants to four stems while keeping the one fruit on each stem, and the third method was pruning the plant to five stems and keeping one fruit on each stem, besides the control (without pruning). Randomized Complete Block Design RCBD was used with three replicates per treatment. The results showed that there was a significant effect of pruning and Huzone nutrient on all studied traits. The control (without pruning) which treated with a concentration of 4 cm3/L achieved the highest value in the number of leaves, and reached 231-234 leaves/plants for the first and second seasons respectively. The highest value of the leaf area when using the pruning method on three branches and spraying with a concentration of (4 cm3/L) gave a value of (3131-3120 cm2) for the first and second seasons respectively. The interaction between spray and pruning significantly affected the number of days to flowering, where this trait decreased when using 4 cm3/L of Huzone with the pruning method on three branches compared to the other treatments. The number of male flowers decreased in the plants which pruned on three branches and sprayed with a concentration of 4  cm3/L of Huzone, where the number of male flowers was (18.4-20.9 flower/ plant) for the first and second seasons respectively compared to the control and other concentrations. In terms of the number of female flowers, it increased at pruning on three branches and by adding a concentration of 4 cm 3/L (13.93-15.2) compared with the control and other concentrations.

Key words: Watermelon, Citrullus lanatus L., Nutrient Huzon, Pruning, Vegetative growth, Flowering.  

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Effect of Dates of Foliar Application by Micronutrients on ‎Some Growth and Productivity Characteristics of Olive Tree ‎‎(Kaisi cv.)‎

Amani Berawi*(1) Abd Al-Gani Khorchid(2) Mahammad Manhal Al-Zoubi(3) Ayham Asbah(1) and Saher Al-Bakeer(4)

(1). Scientific Agricultural Research Center in Hama, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR). Damascus, Syria

(2). Department of soil science, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.

(3). General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR). Damascus, Syria.

(4). Scientific Agricultural Research Center in Hama, (GCSAR). Damascus, Syria.

(5). Department of horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Amani Berawi. E-Mail: eng.amani199001@gmail.com).

Received: 16/12/2018                               Accepted: 08/02/2019


The experiment was carried out in an olive orchard, Hama Research Center, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), during 2016 and 2017 seasons in order to study the effect of foliar application dates by micronutrients on some vegetative, floral and productivity characteristics of olive tree (Kaisi cv.). The trees of the experiment were selected to be homogeneous in growth and age as possible. The foliar fertilizer contained all the necessary minor elements, and was sprayed in a constant concentration to all treatments (0.5 g/L) in different dates: one spray F1 (Before inflorescence), twice spray applications F2 (Before inflorescence and after fruit set) or three times F3 (Before inflorescence, after fruit set and one month before harvest date), in addition to the control without spraying (for comparison). The experiment was designed according to complete randomized block design, with three replicates for each treatment. The results showed that F2 treatment was significantly superior compared to other treatments except F 3 treatment, in term of vegetative growth traits. Thus, the effect of the foliar fertilizer on fruit set ratio and production had been obvious. The treatment F2 gave the highest productivity (34.27 kg) whereas F0 and F3 treatments gave (24.11 and 33.16 kg/tree respectively).

Key words: Olive, Micro-elements, Dates of foliar spray, Kaisi cultivar.

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Studying the Effect of Using Several Systems of Soil ‎Management on Some Growth and Productivity Parameters ‎of Apple Trees Var. Golden delicious

Tahani Kousa*(1) and Rasheed Kharboutly(1)

(1).Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Latakia, Syria.

(*Corresponding author:  Tahani Kousa. E-Mail: tahanikousa@hotmail.com).

Received: 16/07/2019                               Accepted: 03/08/2019


This study was conducted during the years 2014 and 2015 on 10-year-old apple trees var. Golden delicious  which planted in Kassab town, Latakia governorate to determine the effect of using  four soil management systems (tillage,  service corridors greening, tillage with a cover crop and  herbicides) on the growth and productivity of apple trees. The results showed that the best growth and the largest production of apple trees were in the mixed system of soil management (tillage + cultivation vetch in autumn). The highest average of fruit weight (157.50 g) was in the greening system of service corridors by planting grass plants. In addition, there were no significant differences in the growth and production of apple trees between the two soil service management (mixed system and herbicide).

Key words: Soil management, Apple tree, Golden delicious.

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Lunar Agriculture in the Books of Arab Agriculture Between ‎the Centuries (6-12H/ 12-18 AD)‎

Fatema AbdAlrahman*(1) and Mohammed Hisham AlNaasan(1)

(1). Department of Applied Science History, Institute of Arab Scientific Heritage, Aleppo University. Aleppo, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Fatemaa Abraman. E-Mail: fa573507@gmail.com).

Received: 03/12/2018                               Accepted: 26/01/2019


The research aimed to focus on the genius of Arab agriculture scientists in the field of meteorology; the linkage between the cosmic aspects to an important aspect of agriculture, to determine the best dates for sowing the seeds of plant and the cultivation of leaf, vegetative and root crops, and the best date for conducting the agricultural practices such as pruning, weeding, irrigation and harvesting, according to the moon phase, i.e. the phases of lunar shining, Badr and Mehaq and between them from the first, second and third quadrants, in addition to correlate with the ascending and descending moon track to achieve the best results in accelerating and improving growth, concentration of aromatic oils in the vegetative parts of aromatic leafy plants and increasing the active ingredient in medicinal plants. When the moon in the ascending track it sends magnetic energy that attracts the plant’s juices and concentrates it in the peripheral parts, so the active ingredients increased, and it considered the best time  to take the peripheral parts. On the other hand, when the moon is in the descending track in front of the towers, the moon sends energy that affects the roots and stimulates their activity, and it considered the best time for irrigation, where the root absorption of water is increased and therefore the quantities of waste water can be saved. Because of the importance of this subject, it was studied by the agriculture scientists in the period of time between the two centuries (6-12HD/ 12-18AD), and it was found that they had preceded the scientists of the west and modern science. The Arab scientist were the first who talked about it, and Ibn-Al- Awam Aladalusi of the century (6HD/12AD), was the pioneer in this field, he explained the reality of what the scholars of agriculture had said by the comparison of their theories with the theories of modern science, namely the tidal mechanism and Newton’s physical laws.  

Key words: Lunar agriculture, Moon phases, Arab agriculture book, Agricultural heritage.

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The Effect of Grafting Method and Initial Compatibility of ‎Grafting between some Prunus cerasia Blanche and Almonds ‎Cultivars

Mohammad Nizam*(1) Haitham Ismael(2) and Hafez Mahfoud(3)

(1). Latakia Research Center, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.

(2). Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.

(3). Department of Biotechnology Research, GCSAR, Lattakia, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Mohammad Nizam. E-Mail: mohammad.nizam85@hotmail.com).

Received: 21/07/2019                               Accepted: 09/09/2019


The research was carried out during 2017 and 2018 on 24 shrubs of Prunus cerasia Blanche which naturally prevailing on 12 sites in the Syrian coast, to determine the initial compatibility of a collection of almonds cultivars (plum, peach and apricot) and P. cerasia rootstock. The findings showed that the plum cultivar was more significant (at 5% level) than apricot and peach cultivars in terms of grafting survival percentage, average length and thickness of annual shoots for both tongue grafting and T-budding methods. In addition, the apricot cultivar was more significant than peach cultivar in terms of grafting survival percentage and shoots length. The peach was more significant than studied apricot cultivar in terms of average of shoots thickness. LK1 and LK2 in Kassab location showed the best grafting results, where the grafting survival percentage, average shoot length and thickness were the highest for grafting with plum cultivar (86.66%, 48.16 cm, 3.9 mm) and (100%, 57 cm, 6.16 mm), respectively for both grafting methods.

Key words: Wild plum, Grafting method, Degree of compatibility.

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