Improve Irrigation Water Productivity by Applying Partial Root-Zone Drying Under Condition of Supplemental Irrigation in Yemen

Hazem Al-Ashwal*(1) Mohamad Moslih Alsanabani(2) Abdulrahman Haidar(3) and Abdulrahman Salah(2)

(1). Soil and Water Department, Regional Station of Agricultural Research in Northern Heights, Sanaa, Yemen

(2). Soil, Water and Environment Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Sanaa University, Yemen.

(3). Renewable Natural Resources Center, General Organization of Agricultural and Extension, Thamar, Yemen.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Hazem Al-Ashwal. E-Mail:

Received: 02/05/2018                                Accepted: 01/10/2018


An experiment was conducted in Northern Highlands Agricultural Research Regional Station- Sana’a- Yemen, in 2015 season to study the effect of alternative furrow irrigation technique on some growth and yield components, and water use efficiency (WUE) of corn crop variety Taiz-2, compared with conventional furrow irrigation at different levels of irrigation; also, to study patterns of soil moisture distribution, and soil water balance. Six treatments were applied, namely: EFI1, EFI2, EFI3, AFI1, AFI2, and AFI3; where EFI mean conventional or full furrow irrigation, and AFI alternative furrow irrigation, and the numbers 1,2,3 related to levels of irrigation 100%, 75%, 50% respectively, and the treatment EFI1 is the farmer practice. The experiment layout was RCBD design, with three replicates; the means compared by Duncan at 0.05 level of probability. Results showed that the most of growth and yield components, and WUE improved significantly under AFI treatments at all water irrigation levels; and decreased with the decrease in water irrigation level, but it was noticed slightly in AFI compared with EFI. The treatment AFI2 had the highest WUE with conservation in irrigation water by 18%, and without significant effects on yield compared with EFI1. The study concluded that the AFI technique would be useful in arid areas to maintain yield, where the water irrigation less than crop requirements compared with EFI.

Key words: Zea mays; Partial root-zone drying, Alternative furrow irrigation, Water use efficiency.

Full Paper in Arabic: PDF

Using Carbon Isotope Discrimination Technique as a Selection Tool for High Water Use Efficiency Genotypes in Wheat

Abdulwahid Abdullah Saif*(1) Hazem Hezam Alashwal(1) Aref Abdulbaqi Alshamiri(1) and Ammar Wahbi(2)

(1). Agricultural Research and Extension Authority (AREA), Yemen.

(2). Seibersdorf Laboratories, Vienna, Austria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Abdulwahid Abdullah Saif. E-mail:

Received: 21/01/2019                                Accepted: 24/03/2019


A factorial experiment was carried at the Research Farm of the Northern Highlands Regional Research Station during spring seasons 2014 and 2015 to evaluate six local durum wheat genotypes for water use efficiency and the effect of water stress on grain productivity using carbon isotope discrimination technique. Four irrigation treatments were used as main treatments with the following mode of adding water irrigation. T1:  70 mm. 10 days interval (farmers practices as a control), T2:  55 mm. 10 days interval, T3: 55 mm14 days interval and 55 mm. 18 days interval. Split plot design was used for experimentation with three replications. Results showed a variation was detected among genotypes to water stress treatments and this was reflected on growth parameters and grain productivity. The advanced line No.29 * local var. Alass25 (Shara No.154) and advanced line No. 35 were surpassed in most growth indicators and grain productivity than the other genotypes including the Arabi variety which attained the lowest values. The advanced line No.29 * local var. Alass25 (Shara No.154) attained a higher water use efficiency at the irrigation treatment T3 (55 mm every 14 days) with no significant difference in grain productivity of the treatment T1 (70 mm every 10 days) saving irrigation water of about 29.9% with decrease in grain productivity by 13.64%. In general, T2V2, T1V2, T2V3 treatments attained the highest means in grain yield over the two seasons. A positive correlation was found between Δgrain, Δleave, grain yield and some growth indicators of genotypes. There were significant differences between the studied genotypes in terms of content of carbon isotope discrimination Δ13C in grain and leaves. This indicator was reflected in the differences in a variation of water use efficiency and grain yield. With regards of the averages of genotypes, the advanced line models No.29 * local var. Alass25 (Shara No.154) and advanced line No. 35 surpassed the other in grain yield and gave averages of 1543 and 1430 kg/ha, respectively. However, T1 and T2 treatments were significantly increased the other treatments. T1 attained the highest values ​​of 1481, 1373 and 1427 kg/ha in 2014 and 2015 seasons and the average of the two seasons, respectively, according to the water use efficiency and carbon isotope discrimination indicators for the studied genotypes it can be concluded that the advanced line models No.29 * local var. Alass25 (Shara No.154) and advanced line No. 35 were the best under T1 and T2 irrigation treatments.

Key words: Carbon Isotope Discrimination, Wheat genotypes, Water use efficiency.

Full Paper in Arabic: PDF

Effect of Partial Root-zone Drying and Ridge Height on Water Use Efficiency of Potato Solanum tuberosum L. in Maareb Province, Yemen

Hazem Hezam Ahmed Al-Ashwal*(1) and Bandar Mohsen Ahmed Almangathy(2)

(1). Soil and Water Department, Regional Research Station in North Heights, Jidr, General Organization of Agricultural Research and Extension, Sanaa, Yemen Republic.
(2). Horticulture Department, Eastern Area Research Station, Marib, Yemen Republic.

Received: 16/12/2016                           Accepted: 15/02/2016


An experiment was conducted at a Research Farm, Eastern Regions of Agricultural Station, located in Almanien, Marib governorate, during 2009-2010 season, to study the effect of the partial root-zone drying PRD and ridge height on water use efficiency for potatoes in dry areas. The experiment was designed as factorial experiment (split plot design) to study two factors: first, irrigation method (I) included three treatments, full irrigation (FI), alternative partial irrigation  (API), and fixed partial irrigation (FPA), and the second factor was ridge height (R) included two treatments, high ridge (LR), height of edge ranged between 35-30 cm, and small ridge (SR), height of edge ranged between 25-20 cm. Results showed that application of PRD had higher water use efficiency WUE 0.0696 and 0.0677 tons/mm. hectare for API and FPA, respectively as compared to FI 0.0461 tons/mm. hectare. WUE increased significantly by 50.98 % in API treatment without any significant effect on growth, and yield indicators. Results also showed that the PRD technique reduced evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, and deep percolation rates 28.39%, 19.81%, 49.87%, and 50.71%, respectively, compared to full irrigation. Also, the ridge height and interactions did not affect significantly yield, and WUE.

Key words: Ridge height, Partial irrigation, Potato, Water use efficiency.

Full paper in Arabic: Effect of Partial Root-zone Drying and Ridge Height on Water Use Efficiency of Potato Solanum tuberosum L. in Maareb Province, Yemen

The Effect of Deficit Irrigation and Mulching on Cotton yield and Water Use Efficiency

The Effect of Deficit Irrigation and Mulching on Cotton yield and Water Use Efficiency

Galia Abdel Majeed*(1) Abdel Naser Aldarir(1) Mohamed.Ameen Alo(2) and

 Awedes Arslan(3)

(1). Rural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.
(2). Al Qamishli Agricultural Research Center, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.
(3). High Organization of Scientific Research, Damascus, Syria.
(*Corresponding author:

Received: 28/04/2016                           Accepted: 16/05/2016


Drip irrigation is the best method for increasing cotton yield. A field experiment was implemented during 2011 season, at the Research Station of AL- Hasaka Agricultural Research Centre, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research Center (GCSAR)/Syria, using randomized complete block design arranged in split plots. Three levels of irrigation were used: The first treatment (A) is to add 100% of water requirement, when the soil moisture is 80% of field capacity, the treatment (B) is to be irrigated with 75% of the water requirement, and the treatment (C) is to be irrigated with half amount of (A). Also three methods of soil coverage were adopted, without mulching, cover with black plastic, and white film cover as mulch, with three replicates. The goal of study was to evaluate the response of cotton variety Aleppo 90, to different levels of drip irrigation, and different soil mulching, and to determine water requirement. The results showed a high significant superiority (P<0.005) of treatment (A) compared to (B) and (C) treatments, while according to mulching levels; the white plastic mulch surpassed the other treatments. The saving percentage of water in drip irrigation with white, and black plastic films were (25, and 18)%  respectively, compared with drip irrigation without cover.

Keywords: Cotton, Drip irrigation, Mulch, Water use efficiency.

Full paper in Arabic: The Effect of Deficit Irrigation and Mulching on Cotton yield and Water Use Efficiency

Effect of Different Irrigation Methods on Water Use Efficiency of Maize in Homs Governorate

Bassam Oudeh*(1) Boshra Khozam(1) Abd-Al-Karim Jerdy(1) Nedal Khanem(1) and Tallal Al- Abdo(1)

(1). Mokhtaria Research Station, Agricultural Scientific Research Center in Homs, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Homs, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Bassam Oudeh. Mobile: 0988284819,

Received: 06/06/ 2015                                     Accepted: 07/08/ 2015


The study was carried out using different irrigation methods i.e. sprinklers with different spaces 9×9 m, and 12×9 m, drip irrigation GR, surge flow and the traditional surface irrigation as control, at Mokhtaria Research Station, Agricultural Research Center in Homs, Syria, started from 2008 to 2012 seasons. The results showed that using irrigation methods (sprinklers 9x9m, sprinklers 12x9m, drip GR, surge flow drainage 0.75 L/sec/row and surge flow drainage 0.50 L/sec/row) gave an average of gross water consumption as follow: 4313, 4717, 3592, 4617 and 5190 m3/ha, respectively, while the percentage of  irrigation water saving was (49.2, 45.5, 56.5, 51.1, and 45.1%) respectively, and the yield was (6756, 6258, 7278, 6088, and 5818 kg/ha), respectively, and the increase in yield compared with control was (71, 58, 84, 54, and 47%), respectively, gross water use efficiency was (1.57, 1.33, 2.03, 1.32, and 1.12 kg/m3/ha), respectively. The average of gross water consumption of the traditional surface irrigation was 9447 m3/ha with a yield of 3956 ton/ha. The results above showed that drip irrigation (GR) was the best in yield and saving irrigation water, and was the highest in gross water use efficiency as compared with other irrigation methods, and it is recommended to be executed as modern technique for irrigation of maize crop in Homs Governorate.

Key words: Water use efficiency, Different irrigation methods, Maize, yield.

Full paper in Arabic:تأثير استخدام طرائق ري مختلفة على كفاءة استخدام مياه الري لمحصول الذرة الصفراء التكثيفية بمحافظة حمص