Faten Hamed(1) and Tahani Alhaddad*(1)
(1). Technology Food Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.
(*Corresponding author: Eng. Tahani Alhaddad, Technology Food Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria).
Received: 26/08/ 2015 Accepted: 09/09/ 2015
The aim of this study is to determinate patulin contamination in apple fruits, and canned baby food (puree apple, with or without other fruits), in Damascus city and its countryside. A total of 20 samples of apple fruits and 10 samples of baby food were studied. The results showed that the recovery percentages were 83.1% and 80.3% in apple fruits, and baby food, respectively. The linearity of the method was (r2= 0.97) within the concentrates (50-250) ug/L, and the level of patulin in the studied samples of apple fruits was ranged from 57.4 to 183.2 ug/L, while the average content of patulin in apple fruits was48.68 ug/L, and the level of patulin in 50% (10 samples) of them was higher than 50 ug/L. The level of patulin in the studied samples of baby food was ranged from 55.3 to 81.5ug/L, and the average content of patulin in baby food was 20.46 ug/L but the level of patulin in 30% (3 samples) of them was higher than 10ug/L.
Key words: Patulin, Apple fruits, Baby food, Aspergillus, Penicillium.
Full paper in Arabic:تعيين الباتولين في التفاح وأغذية الأطفال المباعة في السوق المحلية لمدينة دمشق وريفها