Effect of Storage Period of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Piles on Technological and Manufacturer Traits of Roots

Entessar Al-Jbawi *(1) Ahmad Al Abdella(2)

(1). Sugar Beet Department, Crops Research Administration, General Commission for scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.
(2). Agricultural Research Center in Der Al Zur, GCSAR, Der Alzur, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Entessar Al Jbawi. E-Mail: dr.entessara@gmail.com).

Received: 07/08/ 2015                                     Accepted: 22/08/ 2015


The study was conducted during 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 seasons on autumn (15th of November), and summer sowing dates (1st of August) at Al Mureiia Research Station, Agricultural Research Center of Der Al Zur, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Syria, to study the effect of some agricultural treatments (varieties: one monogerm, and the other multigerm), and environmental conditions (the period after harvest during 1-10 days), and sowing dates (autumn and summer), on the technological and manufacture traits assigned in randomized completely block design (RCBD) with three replicates. The results showed that prolonging storage period of the harvested beet roots leads to high and gradually increment in the total soluble solids (brix %), from the first day to the last day of the studied storage period, and the percent of increment for all varieties in brix% at the end of storage period as compared with the first day were 36.08, 24.69% for autumn and summer sowing. In terms of sugar percentage, the percent of decrement in sucrose % at the end of storage period as compared with the first day was 21.76 and 12.48 % for autumn and winter sowing for all varieties, respectively. Also purity % decreased in a rate of 4.57% for autumn and 8.82% for summer sowing. In spite of high purity% at harvest for autumn sowing compared to summer sowing, but at the end of storage period the purity% on summer was higher (71.17%) when compared to autumn (68.26%). Water content decreased in a high percentage after 10 days of harvest, the decrease percentage was 14.58% in autumn and 7.16 in summer for all genotypes. Root weight also decreased in a rate of 26.48% in autumn and 26.48% for summer after 10 days of harvest. The conclusion is that the monogerm varieties are more resistant for deterioration compared to multigerm varieties. Also according to results of the study, it is obvious that sowing beet on summer is better than autumn sowing at harvest and pre harvest, to get the best quality characteristics, and good water content and root weight.

Key words: Sugar beet varieties, Storage period, Piles in fields, Autumn sowing, Summer sowing.

Full paper in Arabic:

تأثير فترة تخزين الشوندر السكري (.Beta vulgaris L) على شكل أكوام مكشوفة في الخصائص التكنولوجية والتصنيعية للجذور