Influence of Cultivar and Harvest Date on the Productivity and Qualitative Characters of Apple Molasses

Bayan Mohammad Muzher*(1) Ola Tawfeek Al-Halabi(1) and Anton Salim Anton(2)

(1). Pome and Grapevine Research Division, Horticultural Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.

(2). Fruits Physiology Lab, Horticultural Department, GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Bayan Muzher. E. mail:

Received: 05/11/2018                                Accepted: 16/12/2018


The present research was carried out at Pome and Grapevine Division and Horticultural Department in General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR) during 2011 and 2012 seasons to study the effect of cultivar and harvest date on the productivity and qualitative characters of apple molasses. Apple fruits were collected from Golden delicious, Starking delicious and Stark rimson cultivars in two harvest dates 5/10 and 5/11. Apple molasses was manufactured and stored in normal room temperature for one year. Results showed that the second harvest date significantly produced more quantity of molasses than the first one in all studied cultivars, and Golden delicious cultuvar revealed highest productivity (7.4 Kg apple fruits/1 Kg molasses), while Starking delicious cultivar  revealed the highest productivity than the two studied cultivars in the first date (11.1 Kg apple fruits /1 Kg molasses). Chemical analysis of molasses showed that the second harvest date showed the highest content of TSS, TS, and titratable acidity in all cultivars compared with the first one, and Starking delicious molasses revealed the highest content of TSS and TS (74.75% and 64.37%, respectively) in comparison with the two other cultivars. The results indicated that after one year of storage, there were no significant differences in the color, flavor and chemical components of molasses. Consequently, apple molasses as a new product characterized by good qualitative characters.

Key words: Apple, Molasses, Total soluble solids, Total sugars.

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The Effect of Summer Pruning on the Production and Quality of Golden Delicious Apple Fruits in Dahr Al-Qusair Region-Homs

Wael Haddad*(1) Rashid AlSayed Omar(1) and Wessam Massah(2)   

(1). Horticulture Research Administration. General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.

(2). GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.

(*Corrsponding author: Dr. Wael Haddad. E-Mail: a ).

Received: 27/11/2017                                Accepted: 18/03/2018


The research was carried out in Dahr Al-Qusair Region-Homs during three successive seasons 2015, 2016 and 2017 on Golden delicious trees, to demonstrate the effect of summer pruning on two different periods on the productivity of pruning trees in the next season, and on qualities of fruits. The results showed that the last ten days of July had insignificant differences compared with other dates in increasing the production of trees. The average of production reached 61.67 kg in the first season and 70 kg in the next season. The results showed also, that there were insignificant differences between the three dates in their impact on firmness and TSS of fruits.

Keyword: Summer pruning, Golden delicious, Productivity, Total soluble solids, Firmness.

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Effect of Apple Bagging During Growth Period on Some Quality Parameters at Harvest

Waiel Haddad(1) Muhammad M. Al Zoubi*(1) and Wissam Massa(1)

(1). Natural Resources Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.
(*Corresponding author: Dr. Muhammad M. Al Zoubi. E-Mail:

Received: 25/01/ 2016                                     Accepted: 23/03/ 2016


The effect of bagging apples fruit, which it is still on trees in paper bags made in Japan that has specific characteristics, was studied to determine the quality traits of apples ah harvest, this study conducted at Brshin Research Station, Hama governorate/Syria, during the season 2015. Two apple varieties were used, Starking Delicious, and Stark Rimson. The results showed a significant increase in the bagging fruits firmness compared with those without bagging, and a significant decrease in the total soluble solids of bagging fruits compared with those without bagging for both varieties, besides there was no significant difference in average of weight and diameter of fruits for both varieties.

Key words: Apple fruit bagging, Total soluble solids, Fruit firmness, Fruit size.

Full paper in Arabic: Effect of Apple Bagging During Growth Period on Some Quality Parameters at Harvest