Ibrahem Azez Sakr(1) Majeda Mhamed Mofleh(2) and Randa Ahmed Suliman*(1)
(1). Department of Plant protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria.
(2). General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Rsearch GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.
(*Corresponding author: Dr. Randa Ahmed Suliman. E-Mail: randasuliman65@gmail.com).
Received: 05/09/2019 Accepted: 27/10/2019
Research was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of integration between using the pesticides Acetamiprid, Abamectin and Pyridaben and the aqueous extracts of both Melia azedarach L. and Sytrax officinalis L. then releasing the predator Stethorus glivifrons Mulsant with to manage the population of Tetranychus urticae Koch on Tomato Lycoersicon esculantmin at the greenhouse in 2018. The Experiment was conducted using the complete randomized block design, where the results of the research showed that the extracts of both M. azedarach L. and S.officinalis L. had efficacy recorded 62.29 and 50.93 % respectively in the first week. The efficacy decreased in the first and the second week after releasing the predator, then it raised again in the third and the fourth weeks to record 62.54, 54.72 % for each of them. Thus, it could be stated that the extracts efficacy coincided with the release of the predator S. glivifrons. A decrease in the influence of the specialized insecticide Acetamiprid was recorded, while it reached its top after the release of the predator in the fourth week 33.77 % due to the negative influence of the pesticide on the predator and the population was incapable to be adequate to control the harmful population of T. Urticae. The specialized acaricide Pyridaben was superior and recorded an efficacy exceeded 84% in the first week before the application and decreased in the first, the second and the third weeks after the release of the predator without a significant difference between them, then increased in the fourth week after the releasing where it reached 73.72 % with a significant difference in all the times of the readings. Mortality percentage when acaricide Abamectin was used, recorded 61.14 % after 24 hours of the treatment, then highly increased to 70.72 % in the first week after the release of the predator. The efficacy decreased in the first and the second weeks after the release which recorded 70.72 and 65.21 % respectively with a significant difference between them. Then it increased again in the third and the fourth weeks after the release to reach 79.62 and 80.70% without significant differences between them. Thus, the predator was capable to re-raise the mortality percentage after falling in the first and the second weeks after the release to get it back to where it was when the predator efficacy reached the highest influence in the first week.
Key words: Plant extracts, Chemical pesticides, Tetranychus urticae, Stethorus glivifrons, Lycoersicon esculantmin, Syria.
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