Influence of Some Iron Compounds in the correction of Iron Deficiency in Grape Trees, Helwani cultivar

Badr AL-deen Jalab*(1) and Mohammad Yahia Al-Saied Al-Sallom(2) 

(1). Natural Resources Directorate, Agricultural Research Center in Aleppo, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Aleppo, Syria.
(2). Horticulture Directorate, Agricultural Research Center in Aleppo, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Aleppo, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Bard AL-deen Jalab, E-mail:

Received: 10/03/ 2015                                     Accepted: 20/06/ 2015


The research was conducted during 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 at Sarbaya Station (25 km south east of Aleppo), in grape orchard cultivated Halwani variety, which grafted on rootstock 41B. The grapes tree’ age was 14 years, to study the respond of grape trees to foliar and ground fertilization with some  compounds of iron to solve the chlorosis which caused by deficiency of iron. The results showed that the foliar fertilization with ferrous sulfate gave the best productivity and high economic revenue, and the best average of sugar and total soluble solids (TSS) in berries juice, whereas the foliar fertilization with ferrous sulfate and humic achieved the best results for to solve the chlorosis, due to the increase of iron concentration in leaves after the first spray directly. While, the foliar spray with iron chelate detected the highest accumulated iron in leaves after three sprays, which solve the chlorosis phenomena for a long period.

Key words: Grape, Foliar and ground fertilization, Iron compounds.

Full paper in Arabic: تأثير بعض مركبات الحديد في معالجة نقص الحديد على شجيرات العنب صنف حلواني