Mohammad Noor Al-Assaf (1)*, Khaleed kheder(2), and Maryam Shawi(2)
(1) Aleppo Center for Scientific Agricultural Research, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Syria.
(2) Field crops department, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.
(*Corresponding author: Dr. Mohammad Noor Al-assaf E-Mail:
Received:14/05/2021 Accepted:24/08/2021
The study was carried out at the Humiema research station of the Agricultural Research Center in Aleppo during the growth season (2019/2020), estimating the Heritability, genetic advance, and correlation in hybrid families (F5) of bread wheat resulting from a cross of between some varieties by using half diallel method. The results showed that yield attributed characters of cultivated cultivars (Cham6، Cham8، Cham10) were improved. The family no. (217) introduced from the cross (Cham6 *Babacha) showed transgressive segregation for spike length (15 cm). As well as the number of families of the hybrid (Babacha *Cham8) excelled in 1000-grain weight and number of grain/spike characters, the better family of those was family (182) with weight (60.48gr), (2.79gr) respectively. The family no. (276) (Avocet yr5×Cham10) showed transgressive segregation for a number of grain/spike characters (104.49). The study showed d combination ion Broad sense heritability with the considerable genetic advances in these traits. Thus, to increase grain yield the selection should be having high grains number and weight of grains in the spike, the length of the spike, and the weight of 1,000 grains weight.
Keywords: Bread wheat, Heritability, genetic advance, correlation, transgressive segregation.
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