Economic Development and its Affected by Environmental Changes During the War on Syria

Khaym Al-zzabi * (1)

(1).Faculty of Economic, Al-Forat University, der alzor, Syria.

(*Corresponding author:   Khaym Alzzabi. E-Mail, ).

Received: 11/05/ 2020        Accepted: 02/07/2020


The problem of environmental pollution in Syria has been studied and its impact on economic development and the diagnosis of environmental challenges facing it. The negative effects of environmental pollution on economic development in Syria have also been discussed, It has been found through the research that high pollution rates in Syria are the result of the ongoing war there, and the absence of security, safety and encroachment on natural resources, and we have compiled the most important levels of pollution in Syria Reasonable pollution, which is prevalent in all countries of the world and not accompanied by environmental problems, in addition to hazardous pollution, which is pollution resulting from industrial progress in industrialized countries, and destructive pollution where environmental damage increases as a result of excessive industrial activity. Environmental pollution forms have also been studied in Syria, the most important of which is air pollution, which is considered one of the most dangerous types of pollution due to its negative impact on all living organisms. And also noise pollution, which directly affects humans, in addition to radiation pollution, which is caused by human nuclear activity used by humans, as well as pollution due to wars resulting from the use of various types of weapons, All of this was reflected in the development in Syria, by increasing the costs incurred by the state in treating diseases, and increasing the costs of waste disposal and thus increasing the financial burdens of the state.

Key words: Pollution- The environment- economical development- Syrian.

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