Khalid William Farner(1) Qusai Hamid Al-Hamadany*(1) and Amir Abbas(1)
(1). Marine Vertebrates, Marine Science Center, Uni. of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq.
(*Corresponding author: Qusay Hamid Al-Hamadany. E-Mail:
Received: 30/07/2020 Accepted: 27/09/2020
Samples of artificial fish diets was brought from three selected private fish farms as a selected stations that were marked as A, B and C, to represent the stations in the south, central and north of Basra, respectively. Storage and stores conditions were studied and microbial content lesson to the samples from the fish diets after 20, 40 and 60 days of storage, using isolation and diagnosis of colonies using scientific sources, and the bacterial counting method. Microscopic colonies of microbial growths were identified. The results showed the presence of fungal and bacterial growths in all diets. Also, the results of examination, isolation, and diagnosis showed the presence of the following types of organisms that included each of the fungal colonies: Penecilum sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus falvus, and Mucor sp.). The identified bacteria were: Staphylococus epidermis, Bacillus sp., Strptococus sp., and Diplococci sp.). Their difference in proportions depended on the sample source and the time period of storage, and at a total count rate for the colonies during the study period of the bacterial colonies were Staphylococus sp. (14), Bacillus sp. (16), Strptococus sp. (14), Diplococci sp. (12), the innate Penecillium sp. (23), Aspergillus niger (26), Aspergillus falvus (25), Mucor sp. (25) for station A, and for bacterial colonies Staphylococus sp. (22), Bacillus sp. (19), Strptococus sp. (17), Diplococci sp. (17), the fungal Penecillium sp. (30), Aspergillus niger (32), Aspergillus falvus (28), Mucor sp. (24) for station B, and for bacterial colonies Staphylococus sp. (31), Bacillus sp. (27), Strptococus sp. (22), Diplococci sp. (25), the innate Penecillium sp. (33), Aspergillus niger (37), Aspergillus falvus (36), Mucor sp. (29) for station C, with a clear increase with increasing and worsening of storage period and using the older diets feed. According to that, the result showed that the percentage of microbial growth was the highest at station C compared to stations B and A.
Key words: Microbial growth, Fish diet, Bacterial colonies, Fungal colonies, Storage method, Storage conditions.
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