Determination of Some Selection Indicators in Chickpeas ‎‎(Cicer arietinum) Under Water Stress Conditions‎

Hiba Alatrash*(1) Mohammad. Sh. Hakim(1) Abdallah ALYoussef(2) Mohammad. J. Hamndosh(1) and Ahmad. Sh.A. Shaaban(3)

(1). Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.

(2). Aleppo Research Center, General commission for scientific Agriculture Research GCSAR, Damascus, Syria.

(3). Department of Biotech Engineering, Faculty of Technological Engineering, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Hiba Alatrash. E-Mail:

Received: 26/05/2019                               Accepted: 12/06/2019


The study was carried out at AL-Sfireh location which belongs to Scientific Agriculture Research Center in Aleppo during 2016/2017, in  order to study the phenotypic-genotypic correlation and to define the most important selection indicators by path coefficient analysis of seed yield traits. (28) genotypes and two varieties i.e. Ghab4 and Ghab5 as control were planted in two experiments (under drought stress and non-drought stress conditions) in randomized complete block design with tow replications. The traits (100-seeds weight, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, plant height, no. of days to flowering, no. of days to maturity) were studied. The results showed significant differences among genotypes for all traits in both experiments, the correlation analysis showed a positive and significant relationships between seed yield and number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, 100-seeds weight and plant height, while a significant and negative correlation was noticed between seed yield and no. of days to flowering and no. of days to maturity under drought stress experiment and in the non-drought stress experiment. Positive and high significant relationships were recorded between seed yield and number of pods per plant and positive significant correlation was recorded between seed yield and number of seeds per plant and 100-seeds weight. Path coefficient analysis exposed that number of pods per plant had the highest positive direct effect on seed yield followed by 100-seeds weight, but number of pods per plant had the highest positive indirect effect on seed yield through the number of seeds per plant followed by plant height whereas no. of days to flowering and no. of days to maturity had the highest negative indirect effects on seed yield through the number of pods per plant under drought stress experiments. Also, under non drought stress experiments number of pods per plant had the highest positive direct effect on seed yield followed by 100-seeds weight but number of pods per plant had the highest positive indirect effect on seed yield through number of seeds per plant followed by plant height. This study confirmed the importance of number of pods per plant, 100-seeds weight and early flowering as indicators for the development of drought tolerant genotypes.

 Key words: Chickpea, Yield components, Phenotypic-genotypic correlations, Path analysis, Selection indicators.

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