The Education Impact of the Farmer Field Schools of Almond ‎Trees At Shahbaa Region In Al-Suwayda Governorate

Jalaa Kanbar*(1)

(1). Department of Economic and Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Al Furat University, Der-ezzor, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Jalaa Kanbar. Email:

Received: 26/02/2020                               Accepted: 07/04/2020


The research aimed to determine the education impact of the Farmer Field School (FFS) at Shahbaa region in the Al-Suwayda governorate, by identification the contribution of FFS in education and transferring the recent agricultural recommendations for almond trees. Data of the study from 40 farmers within the FFS were collected by personal interview, using a questionnaire prepared for this purpose. This research was conducted in two villages (Park and Al-Hit) at Shahibaa agriculture directorate in Al-Suwayda governorate. The tabulated presentation of data was used, which included the frequencies, percentages, average, and standard deviation. The results of study showed that the proportionofagriculture respondents with high level of education reached 25% of the respondents. While the proportion of  respondents with  low level  was 20% , and with an average level of  55% of the respondents. The results showed that 82.5% of the respondents learned best methods for controlling diseases and insects through the participation in FFS. 72.5% of the respondents learned how to implementation of  the pruning and rootstock almond trees. The most important suggestions of the respondents to increasing the advantages of  FFS were to continue and increase the  number of FFS for the same crop in one season (85% of the respondents), provide financial and technical support for facilitators to be able to do their job more easily and all of the respondents appeared their desire to participate in another  FFS in the future. The research recommended to the need to mainstream and support farmer field schools in all governorates to work on increasing the efficiency of the deployment of agricultural innovations, to provide financial and technical support for facilitators and to stimulate farmers within FFS financially or morally.

Key Words: The education impact, Farmer field schools, Almond trees, Al –Suwayda Governorate.

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