Jenan Othman(1)*
(1).Horticulture Department,Faculty Of Agriculture,Tishreen University,Lattakia,Syria.
(*Corresponding author : Dr.Jenan Othma , E-mail : , 0955205560.)
Received:5/02/2023 Accepted:10/04/2023
A field experiment was carried at Tishreen University garden nursery Lattakia, during the two successive spring seasons of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, to study the effect of application (manganese and Boron), vegetative growth, yield and tubers quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Spunta . The experiment was conducted with Randomized Complete Block Design with four treatments and three replications per treatment,(control, Manganese, boron, Manganese and Boron). The results showed that foliar application of Mn+B gave the best vegetative growth characters and production of potato plants as expressed as leaf area/plant( 15605cm2/plant, L.A.index( 7.43), plant length (69.41 cm),(14.74 tuber/plant), big tuber ( 1551g/plant) total production (1815.8g/plant) and marketing one (1774.9 g/plant) compared to control. The statistical analysis also showed significant increase of B and mixed of Mn and B spraying in tuber quality such as dry matter percentage (20.27-20.2)%, starch percentage(14.07-14.0)% respectively, Whereas, The best content of vitamin c and arsh recorded in Mn+b treatment (15.22mg% and 6.04% ) respectively compared to control.
Keywords: Potato ,Mn ,Boron ,Yield, Growth, Quality .
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