The Effect of Adding Monoglycerides and Olive Oil on Some Physical and Microbial Properties of Millorin

Ali, Hussein. Ali.Dhaef *(1)  and  (1)Shaimmaa, Riadh. Abdulsalaam (1)

(1). Dep. of Food Sciences, College of Agric. & Forestry Mosul, university,  Iraq.

(*Corresponding author: Ali, Hussein Ali.

Received: 31/01/2024              Accepted: 1/06/2024


This study was conducted with the aim of manufacturing millorin (similar to creamy ice cream), in which the milk fat was replaced with olive oil at a rate of 5 and 8%, with the addition of monoglycerides (M.G.) at a rate of 0.25% as an emulsifier to determine its effect, while manufacturing a comparison sample to which CMC was added. The product was stored for 60 days, and a test was conducted. Physical tests include viscosity, where the M.G. sample was between 3.55 – 0.26 poise, while the comparison was between 1 – 3.95 poise, and the percentage of melting was estimated at a time of 90 minutes, where the decrease in melting in the M.G. sample was 77.5%, while in the comparison it was 82.5%, while the shrinkage characteristic was constant and did not change during the storage period. The % Over run  in M.G. was also higher than the comparison sample, as it was around 83.55%. In comparison, the Over run was 76.65%. The results also showed a decrease in the M.G. sample’s microbial content, as the total number of bacteria was around 15 x 2–10 U.T.C./ml. The comparison was 46 x 2-10, while no growth of cryophilic bacteria or coliform was detected. The samples obtained high scores during the sensory evaluation, as the M.G. sample obtained a score of 95.25 degrees and the comparison obtained a score of 91.5 degrees.                                                                       

Keywords: monoglycerides, olive oil, millorin.

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