Studying The Most Effecting Climatic Factors On Determining Water Requirement Of Maize Crop Using ET0 Calculator.

Ammar Abbas.(1)*

(1). General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Research (GCSAR). Center of Lattakia.

(*Corresponding author: mob. 0991978115)

Received: 26/12/2022                              Accepted:25/01/2023


This paper aims to study the most affecting climatic factors on the reference evapo-transpiration values ET0 during the phenological stages of maize crop using ET0calculator model, and the cultivar (Tango) was selected as one of the cultivars in the coastal region. The ET0calculator model allows obtaining higher accuracy values of the reference evapotranspiration according to Benman-Monteith modified equation, which is based on inputs of the climatic factors: maximum, minimum, and average temperatures, relative humidity, wind speed, and solar  radiation.  Obtaining daily data for these climatic factors is not easy, so the most important climatic factors were identified in the reference evapo-transpiration calculation by focusing on the simple correlations between climatic factors and ET0 values, and then multiple correlations were calculated between ET0 values and the input factors. It was found that the highest values of the simple correlation were between the reference evapotranspiration and wind speed during the two phases of cone formation and maturity. The multiple correlations also gave several high values during the different phenological stages, especially with wind speed input which had the strongest effect on correlation values when it was entered in multiple correlations in all phenological stages.

Keywords: ET0calculator – maize –Tango – climatic factors – multi-correlation.

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