Anwar ALsayed* (1) and Lubna ALbshi(1)
(1).General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR).
(*Corresponding author: Anwar ALsayedm,E-Mail.alsaiedanwar416@
Received: 9/12/2022 Accepted: 20/02/2023
Study the effect of foliar fertilization with solutions with increased concentrations of boron (25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0, 30) ppm on the growth and productivity of pea plant (Pisum SativumL.) Ghouta was classified during the 2019-2020 season at the Saalo Research Station of the Agricultural Scientific Research Center in Deir Ezzor. The experiment was planted in dumps with an area of (2×2) m2, soil with a pH (7.8), non-saline (Ec=2.32) dS/m, clayey, poor in organic matter and with a high calcium content, which makes boron not available to the plant. The experiment was designed by the method of complete random sectors by seven coefficients with three replicates The number of experimental pieces was (21) experimental pieces and the fertilizer used is borax (11 B), The foliar spraying process was carried out in the following concentrations (30,25,20,15,10,5,0) ppm and in two stages, the first stage is the young phase (6) leaves using (10) ml of the spray solution, and the rest of the solution was sprayed (90) ml in the second stage of spraying (pre-flowering stage), Major nutrient fertilizers were added through the soil according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Agriculture for all transactions, while the control treatment (0) sprayed the leaves with 100 ml of distilled water, and major nutrient fertilizers were added to its soil as in the rest of the transactions. Organic matter was also added to the soil before planting and with regard to the treatment of the control, (100) ml of distilled water was sprayed. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the treatments when the first batch of boron was added at an early stage of plant life (stage 6 leaves). While the differences between the studied coefficients in growth indicators (plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, wet and dry weight of the vegetative group, number of flowers in the plant and production) were significant when the second batch of borax (pre-flowering phase) was given.
Keywords: Foliar spraying, boron, borax, peas.
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