Determining the Basic Parameters in Calculating Basic Evaporation Transpiration ET0 in Latakia Using ET0 Calculator Model

Ammar Abbas.(1)*

(1). General commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Ammar Abbas,

Received:20/09/2022          Accepted: 20/11/2022


The research was conducted based on daily climatic data at Al-Basel Airport Station in Lattakia during the period 2000-2016 and included (maximum and minimum temperatures °C, average relative humidity%, wind speed m/s, solar radiation MJ/m2 day) All parameters were entered into the ET0 Calculator software according to (FAO n65) publications which is based on the modified Penman-Monteith equation. Previous parameters were entered according to several possibilities (2 parameters, 3 parameters, 4 parameters) and the obtained values ​​were compared with the values ​​resulting from all inputs and the study of correlations between them to determine the parameters that give values ​​as close to accuracy as possible when all required parameters of the model cannot be obtained. The closest results were accurate by entering parameters (maximum and minimum temperature, mean relative humidity and wind speed) where the correlation coefficient was (r 0.94), and the parameters (maximum and minimum temperature, average relative humidity and solar radiation) gave a strong correlation (0.83).

Key words: ET0, evapotranspiration, model, parameter, correlation.

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