Evaluation of the Economic and Social Effects of the Cedar and Fir Reserve and the Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of the Local Community

Bashar Tobo*(1) , Hikmat Abass(1) , Wael Ali(1 ), Ahmad Mahmoud(2) and Wael Habib(2)

(1). Department of Ecology and Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University, Latakia , Syria.

(2). General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Research, Latakia, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Bashar Tobo  Email: bashar.tobo33@gmail.com).

Received:11/04/2022                       Accepted: 29/07/2022


The aim of the research is to assess the economic and social effects of the fir and rice reserve from the local community’ point of view of, and then evaluate the determinants of the population’s satisfaction with this reserve using discrimintal analysis, while satisfaction was measured using the five-point Likert scale. The research was based on preliminary data for a random sample of families living in the vicinity of the reserve in 2021. The size of this sample was 100 families. The focus was on interviewing the household hid to obtain the required information through the study questionnaire.The results showed that the overall evaluation of the reserve from the point of view of the sample members according to the Likert scale tends in favor of the acceptance categories (positive) with an average of 3.5 points, which indicates the positive role of the reserve at the level of the local community. While the negative evaluation was monitored for only three items, which relate to the role of the reserve in developing professions based on the local heritage of the region, its role in increasing the total income of the region, and its role in limiting the migration of young people. As for the level of discriminatory analysis, it was found that there are many factors that distinguish the category of high satisfaction from low satisfaction. The first category was characterized by an increase in the average level of education, age of the head of the household, household size, percentage of income from agriculture, income level and agricultural area, while the second category was distinguished An increase in the average unemployment rate in the household and the extent of utilization of medicinal plants. Using the method of stepwise analysis, these factors were reduced to only three factors, namely, the unemployment rate in the household, which negatively affects the assessment of satisfaction with the reserve, and the percentage of agricultural income and the size of the cattle herd, which positively affect hosusehold satisfaction. This directly reflects the extent of integration between the reserve and the sources of agricultural income, especially cattle breeding.

Keywords: Cedar and Fir Reserve, discrimintal analysis, satisfaction measure, Economic and social effects.

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