Induce Variability in Two Local Fenugreek Genotypes Usage of Physical and Chemical Mutagenesis

Naji M. Zaid*(1), Amin A. Al-hakeme(2) and  Aba alwahd Saif (1)

(1). Agricultural Research Extension Authority, Northern Highlands Sana’a, Yemen.

(2). Department of Agriculture Sana’a University, Yemen.

(*Corresponding author: Naji M. Zaid,  E-Mail :

Received 3/02/2022       Accepted 26/10/2022


The study was conducted in Agricultural Research$ Extension Authority, Northern Highlands Sana’a Yemen during 2015-2016.Two fenugreek Genotypes YG4oo16 and YG40054 were used in this study and it’s dry seeds were subjected to different doses of gamma-rays 200 and 250 Gray and different concentration of Colchicine and Hydroxylamine0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 % mM and planted to obtain (M1) generation in 1/3/2015 and (M2) planted in 29/7/2015 spring season. 179 individual mutant plants were selected and grown in three re placations as primary experiment to evaluate the mutants and the promising lines were selected.Obtained result indicated that, the germination percentage of the treated seeds using Gamma-rays, Colchicine and Hydroxylamine shown a negative   relation with treatments, which decreased with increase in the dose of mutagenic treatments compared with the untreated (control) . Also, mutagenic treatment had stimulatory effect on plant height at 200Gy gamma-rays in both genotypes and at 0.01 percent concentration of Colchicine. Results also revealed that, two types of chlorophyll mutants were observed in flowering stages. Also results indicated that significant differences were recorded among the mutants for all characters studied in YG0016 and YG40054 mutant groups. Results obtained of composition analysis of fenugreek mutants revealed of existing variability among fenugreek mutants for chemical composition.

Key Words:  Gama-rays, Colchicine, Hydroxyl-Amin , Breeding, mutation, Fenugreek.

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