Estimation of wooden Stock and Total Above-Ground ‎Biomass of Calabrian Pine (Pinus brutia) at the Eastern ‎Foothill of the Coastal Mountains in Syria ‎

Ali Thabeet*(1)

(1). Department of Renewable Natural Resources and Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Ali Thabeet. E. Mail:

Received: 28/07/2019                               Accepted: 20/08/2019


The aim of this research was to estimate the total wooden stock and above-ground biomass of Calabrian pine at Al-Kanaais site in the eastern foothill of the coastal mountains in Syria. Field measurements were done in summer 2018. Five circular samples were taken, the area of each plot was 400 m2. The following parameters were taken for each plot: trees number, diameter at breast height and total trees height. Fifteen trees were chosen covering diameter classes of the studied site, to estimate form factor and tree biomass. Total wooden stock, above-ground biomass and mean annual increment of Calabrian pine trees were calculated.  A power equation with diameter at breast height was used to estimate total above-ground biomass of all trees, this equation had a high R-squared (R2 = 0.91). The results showed that the mean value of the form factor of Calabrian pine was 0.39, and the wooden stock value reached to 232.84 m3/ha with average age of 73 years and tree density of 775 trees/ha. The average annual increment was 3.18 m3/ha/year. The results of this study revealed that study area had good total above-ground biomass value about 430.43 ton/ha. The results of this research could be an important basis for future studies, which will help in the development and management of the Calabrian pine sites at the eastern foothill of the coastal mountains in Syria.

Key words: Pinus brutia, Wooden stock, Total above-ground biomass, Syria.

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