Effect of the Type of the Starter and Inoculation Rate on the Characteristics of Labneh Made in a Direct Method Compared with the Traditional Labneh

Mohamad Alshehabi* (1) Faten hamed (1) and  Sayah Abou-ghorrah(2)

(1). Food Technology Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria.
(2). Food Science Department, Faulty of Agriculture, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Eng. Mohamad Alshehabi: Masaken Barze, Damascus, Syria E-mail: mohamadalshehabi@yahoo.com. Mobile phone: 0932732831).

Received: 22/07/ 2014                                     Accepted: 23/04/ 2015


The research aimed to study the effect of the starter type and the conditions of its use in the quality of labneh, which produced by the direct method. The total solids were increased in milk up to 26%, using powder milk free fat, and why milk powder, then this mixture was inoculated, using eight different starters, with addition rate of 4%, and then incubated for 8 hours at 45°c. The starter CH1 gave the best sensory characteristics for the product. The product (labneh) was remade, using the starter which was selected in the direct method with the following percentages (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, and 8%) to define the best inoculation percentage. The results showed that the best inoculation rate of the starter was 4% in terms of the the chemical and sensory characteristics. The results also showed  the superiority of  labneh made by direct method as compared with the labneh made in traditional method in terms of the chemical characteristics (total solids: 25.28%, fat: 7.55%, acidity:1.20), microbiological characteristics, yields, and the production costs. Regarding the sensory evaluation, labneh made in traditional method exceeded the labneh that made using other methods.

Key words: Labneh, Direct method, Traditional method, Starter.

Full paper in Arabic: تأثير نوع البادئ ونسبة التلقيح في خصائص اللبنة المصنعة بالطريقة المباشرة ومقارنتها مع اللبنة المصنعة بالطريقة التقليدية