About SJAR

Aims & Scopes

Syrian Journal of Agricultural Research (SJAR), established in 2014, it is a peer reviewed scientific Journal, publishing basic and applied research articles in the field of all agricultural sciences by General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Syrian Arab Republic.

The journal publishes original papers covers different agricultural fields:

Field crops                                                                                Horticulture
Forestry                                                                                                      Agro Environment
Animal Production
Food Technology
Irrigation, Drainage
Soil Sciences                                                                                            Plant Protection
Socio Economic
Natural Resources 


SJAR is publishing 6 issues per a year.

Types of Articles

The journal welcomes to receive original manuscripts that achieved the scientific quality standards, long articles (8-12 pages), short articles (2-4 pages), or short communications (one page).

Open Access

SJAR is an open access journal. Abstracts and full texts of all articles published in the journal can be reached without any  restrictions.

Review Policy

The journal operates a blind review policy. Manuscripts are reviewed by editorial board members and other qualified persons.

Manuscript Handling Fee

No fees for handling the manuscripts