Effect of sowing dates and plant spacing on morphological characteristics and productivity of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

                     Ziad Al-Hussein (1) Abboud Al-Jassim* (1) and Waleed Al-Nasser (1)


 (1)- Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Al Furat University.             (*Corrsponding author: Abboud Al-Jassim. E-Mail: abboudaljasim@gmail.com)

Received: 13/08/2020                                Accepted: 29/10/2020


The research was conducted during the two seasons 2018 and 2019 at Safia city, Al-Hasakah Governorate, which is located 10 km north of Al-Hasakah. The experience is designed according randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications, with the aim of studying the effect of planting dates (1/4 – 15/4 – 30/4) and plant spacing between plants (30 , 40 and 50 cm) on the morphological and productive characteristics of cucumber (cv, Papillon). The results showed that the second planting date outperformed the average number of fruits by 7.02, the productivity of the experimental plot was 26.82 kg, and the productivity per unit area was 3544.86 kg / d significantly over the remaining dates of cultivation. plant spacing (40 cm) significantly surpassed the remaining spacing applied in the average fruit diameter (2.51 cm), the number of fruits was 6.17, the productivity of the experimental plot was 22.61 kg, and the productivity per unit area was 2938.13 kg / d. As for the interaction between the studied workers, it was found that planting on the second date (4/15) and the plant spacing (40 cm) showed superiority in most of the productive characteristics of the cucumber crop, achieving an increase in the number of fruits on the plant (9.11) fruit, and the weight of one fruit (97.82 g), The highest productivity of the experimental plot was recorded at (30.97) kg, while the productivity per unit area was (4038.27) kg / d.

Keyword: cucumber, date, planting spacing, productivity, formal characteristics.

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