Vol 7 No 5
October 2020
-Effect of Soluble Fertilizers Addition on the Nutrients Absorption and Productivity of Olive Tree (Kaisi cv.) Amani Berawi, Abd Al-Gani Khorchid, Mahammad Manhal Al-Zoubi, Ayham Asbah and Saher Al-Bakeer |
-Effect of Grafting Muskmelon (Cucumis Melo. L) var. Natash F1 and Palmeta F1 Using Shintoza F1 and Gourd as Rootstocks on Growth and Yield Traits Bassam Ibrahim Alsayed, Ahmad Majed Jalloul and Nasr Aziz Shiekh Sleman |
-Effect of Potassium Humate on Growth and Yield of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Under Coastal Region Conditions Mitiady Boras, Riad Zedan and Reem Issa* |
-Comparative Study of Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Some Local Mentha Species Abdel Aleem Bello* |
-Roof Gardens in the Arabic Heritage Texts Rima Younes and Mohamed Hisham Alnaasan* |
-Effect of Calcium Chloride and Sodium Benzoate Treatments on the Storability Characteristics of Banana Fruits Wafaa Obiedou* |
-Fish Diversity at Three Estuaries Coastal Rivers in Latakia Governorate, Syria Amjad Mtawej* Amir Ibrahim and Mohamad Hassan | 71-88 |
-First Record of Lamellodiscus Elegans (Monogenea: Dipletanidae) Species on The Gills of Diplodus Vulgaris Fish (Perciformes:Sparidae) Bred in Al-Sinn Fish Farm Amal Ebrahim Dayoub* |
-Food Selectivity of Sardinella longiceps in the Iraqi Marine Waters Khalid William M. Farnar* |
-Estimation of Metabolisable Energy Values of Diets Containing Unconventional Sources of Energy (Glycerin or Corn Starch) to be used in Early Nutrition of Broiler Chicks Bashir Alboshi* |
-The Selection Effect For Different Levels of Hemoglobin of Japanese Quail Blood on its Productive and Reproductive Traits Samawal S.A.Al-Tikriti* and Zaid, H. A. Dakhil |
-Microbial Growth Impact on the Diets of Fish Stored in Fish Farms Khalid William Farner, Qusai Hamid Al-Hamadany* and Amir Abbas |
-Using of Nonlinear Programming in the Development of a Computer Program to Achieve the Best Economic and Nutritional Fodder Mixture of Broiler Chicken Ahmad Issa Suliman* Mahmoud Moustafa Alio, Walid Ahmad Alrahmoun and Ali Hasan Nisafi |
-Effect of Five-Years Agricultural Plans on the Area and Production of Barley Crop in Syria Alawi Ali* Ibrahim Hamdan Saqr, Mohamed Mahmoud and Ali Khaddam |
-General Trend Analysis of Some Economic Variables for Potato Crop in Tartous Louay Mohamad, Fayez Al-Mokdad, Eyad Al-Khaled and Nedal Darwesh |
-Fortification Yoghurt With Oil Rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 and Probiotic Bacteria Azhar Ibrahim Shukur*Sumyia Khalaf Badawiand Tariq Zaid Ibrahim |
-The Effect of Seed Treatments and Size on the Growth Traits of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Iftikhar Khalaf Abbas Aga* |
-A Promising Genotype of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Resistant to Yellow Rust (Puccinia striiformis West.f.sp tritici) in Irrigated Areas Jasim M. Aziz Al-Jobouri * Barzan A. Mohamed Al-Mafraji and Omar A. Ahmad Al-Tamimi |
-Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Phenological, Morphological and Yield Components Traits in Maize (Zea mays L.) Razan Al Najjar* Saoud Shehab and Mohammad Ali Ali |
-Heterosis and Combining Ability for some Quantitative Traits in Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Ali Abdulhamid Saleh* Mohammed Moalla and Nizar Harba |
-Effect of Drip Irrigation and Potassium Fertilization on Some Soil Properties and, Growth and Production of Tobacco (Virginie variety) Obada Attaf, Sawsan Haifa, Rabie Zaina and Majd Darwish* |
-Evaluation of Leaf Area and Net Assimilation Rate of Peanut Under the Effect of Seeds Size and Spraying with Bread Yeast (S. cereviciae) Mohammad Abdel Aziz* |
-Hydrologic and Climatic Study of Tal-Aldara Watershed in Salamieh, Syria Jamil Abbas, Karim Al Hamwi and Dima Khalil* |
-Comparison of Ordinary Kriging and Inverse Weighting Distance Methods in Estimating Shallow Groundwater Contamination by Seawater in Tripoli, Libya Ahmed Ibrahim Khamaj, and Abdul Rahman Ahmed Alriyani* |
-The Effect of Bacterial Inoculation (Rhizobium leguminosarum) on Growth and Production Traits of Lentil Alaa Abdel Halim Habib* and Issa Noor Aldeen Kabibou |
-The Effect of Different Levels of Phosphorous and Biogas Fertilizers Addition on Some Soil Fertility Properties and Productivity of Peanut Lina Maydaa, Alaa Khallouf*Razan Karfoul, Nisren Badour, Mohammad Mayous and Haitham Eid |
-Effect of Spectrum Light on Linear Growth and Biomass in Fusarium oxysporum Ibtesam Mohamed Abedalrhman* and Zahra Ibrahim El-Gali |
-Efficacy of Some Plant Extracts and Mint oil in Repellent Larval and Adults of Potato Tuber Moth Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Laboratory Aya Salhdar* and Fadel Kaadeh |
-The Effect of Some Useful Microorganisms in Reducing the Damages of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycoperscici in Tomato Plant Bachar Aldakil* |
-The Effect of Applying the Cooling System on the Temperature and Humidity of the Apiary and Cells Husain Ali Mehdi* Alaa Sabeeh Jabbar and Taha Y. Al-Edany |
-Effect of Storage Temperature on Biology of Chrysoperla carnea Stephens Under Laboratory Conditions Ammar Jloud* Nawal Kakeh, Nayef Alsalti and Mounir Alnabhan |
-Optimization of Treated Chicken Breast Meat Color Components Using Ultrasound Murtadha Kareem Muhammed Al Lami, Asaad R. S. Al–Hilphy* and Majid H. Al-Asadi |
-Impact of Different Levels of Energy on Performance and Haematological Blood Parameters in Black Does Zhina Abbas Mohammed* and Sarood Samal Shawkat |
-Influence of Different Skip Feeding Programs on Physiological Parameters of Broiler Chicks Sarood Samal Shawkat* Saman Abdulmajid Rashid and Zhina Abbas Mohammed |
-Study Bacteriological Quality of White Cheese in Benghazi Markets, Libya Abdalla Mohammed Abdalla Mansour* Adel Mohammed Milad Ishlakand Mohamed Ahmed Hamid Toweir |
-Evaluation of The Productivity of Some Goat’s Genotypes for Growth And Dairy Performances Under Oases Breeding Mode Najari Sghaier, Atoui Ahlem* and Abdennebi Moldi |
-Evaluation the Improper Household Solid Waste (HSW) Management that Caused Environmental Pollution in Dhaka City Kamal Krishna Mistry* Md. Harunor-Rashid and Ratna Halder |
-Effect of Handling on the Safety and Quality of Boops boops Fish in Syrian Marine waters (Lattakia) Maysaa Haji Mohammad* Mohammad Hassan and Nisrin Naksho |
-A Taxonomical and Ecological Study of the Species Drypta lineola Macleay 1825 of Ground Beetles: Order: Coleoptera: Family: Carabidae in Maysan Governorate, Iraq Hashim Mhawi Tuama Alibadi* andAlaa .S. Jabbar |
-Evaluation of Diversity Methods for Assessing Saccharicoccus sacchari Infestation and its Population Ecology on Sugarcane Karem M. Mohanny, Ahmed M. M. Ebieda* Ghada S. Mohamed(1) Refaat O.H. Allam and Marwa A. A. Sadan |
-Remediation of groundwater contaminated with hexavalent chromium using a mixture of Zero-Valent Iron and Pyrite Waseem Yousef Daoud* |
-Using Ozone with Hydrogen Peroxide as Advanced Oxidation Treatment of Raw Leachate Landfill Alaa Mohamad Soubh* |