Kinda Mamar Bashi*(1)
(1). Department of Plant protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Aleppo University, Aleppo, Syria.
(*Corresponding author: Dr. Kinda Mamar Bashi. E-Mail:
Received: 12/06/2018 Accepted: 05/09/2018
The objective of this study was to determine the genetic resistance resources against wheat rust, by evaluation the reaction type in seedling stage of 24 durum genotypes including the wild relatives of wheat in their pedigree (T. urartu, T.polonicum, T. dicoccoides, Ae. Speltoides and A. vavilovii). This study was carried out at Wheat Rust Lab, in the Department of Plant protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo, Syria. The results showed a variation in the reaction type of genotypes to wheat rusts. The percentage of resistance was high 54.5% for wheat leaf rust, this ratio decreased to 33% and 29% for yellow rust and black rust respectively. The role of wild relatives Ae. Speltoides appeared in genotypes which were sequenced (18, 19, 20 and 21) by giving them resistance to three rust diseases; as well as the Bcr variety which included in the tow genotypes (10 and 17). Whereas the wild relative A.vavilovii was associated with moderately resistance reaction type in (22, 23 and 24) genotypes; which were likely to have slow rusting model.
Keywords: Wheat rusts, Wheat wild relatives, Major gene, Slow rusting, Syria.
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