Vol 5 No 1 March 2018
Pages |
1-14 |
– Effect of Several Factors on Micrografting of Navel Orange Using Different Rootstocks
Kinda Ibrahim*, Ali Al-Khateeb, Fahd Al-biski, and Khalil Al-Maarri |
15-30 |
– Effect of Salinity and Radiation on Regeneration of Two Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Genotypes Callus In vitro
Saadoon AL-Ajeely, Shaza Yousif, and Zeinab AL-Hussaini* |
31-38 |
– Determination Some Indicators of Pregnancy Toxemia in Shami Goat During the Peripartum
Adnan Aldakka, Abdulnaser Al Omar*, Mohammad Nadir Dabbagh, Yasin Mohammad Almohsen and Samir Alsharbaie |
39-51 |
– Applying ARIMA Models for Forecasting the Production of Cotton Crop in Syria
Salwa Almohammad, Ibtessam Jasem*, and Mai Lubboss |
52-66 |
– Marketing Efficiency of Sheep Milk and its Derivatives in the Middle Area (Homs & Hama)
Khetam Idris* |
67-77 |
– Aromatic Oil Composition of Myrtle Myrtus communis L. Leaves in Syria
Omar Farouk Fahel*, Waleed Mansour, Fateh Khatib, and Bader AL-Deen Galab |
78-90 |
– Effect of Seed Rate, Spray with Sorghum Water Extracts and Weeding on Wheat Yield (Triticum durum L.)
Sami Al-Rajjo*, Ahmad Mouhanna, and Fadi Abbas |
91-101 |
– Genetic Behavior of Some Quantitative Traits of Yellow Maize (Zea mays L.) Single Crosses
Ali Wannows*, Samir AL Ahmad, Ghassan AL Lahham, Razan AL Najjar, Elias Aweel, and Reem AL Mansour |
102-113 |
– Productivity Evaluation of Three Introduced Quinoa Varieties under Central Highlands Conditions in Yemen
Mohammed Yaha Daws*, and Ahmed AL-Moallem |
114-124 |
– Effect of Seed Treatments of Tomato Variety Merel with Four PGPR Bacterial Strains on Promoting Peroxidase Enzyme Activity and Growth Improvement
Hanan Kawas *, Omar Hamudi, Ahmad Ahmad, and Imad Ismail |
125-134 |
– Effect of Temperature and Retention Period on the activity of Olive Leaf Midge Dasineura oleae F. loew (Dipter: Cecidomyiidae) and its Endoparasitiod
Platygaster demades Walker (Hymenoptera: Platygasteridae)
Zahraa M. Baidaq*, Ali M. Ramadhane, and Randa Abu Tara |
135-145 |
– Study the Effect of Adding Different Concentrations of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) on the Physiochemical and Quality Properties of Sponge Cake During Different Storage Periods
Batool Alansari* |
146-156 |
– Preparation of Formulations of Weaning Food from Black and Brown Rice and Study its Different Properties
Nagham Abdul Razzaq Mshemesh*, Waafa Hasson, Khamees Habeeb Mutlag, Rasha Mussa, and Ahamed Hussien |
157-167 |
– Variance, Heritability, Genetic Advance and Correlation Coefficient of Some Phenological, Morphological and Productivity Traits in Some Lentils (Lens culinaris M.) Genotypes
Mohammad Nael Khattab* |
168-182 |
– Biosynthesis of Medium Chain Length Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Dw7
Eman Gatea٭, Saad Khudair, and Nadhim Haider |
183-190 |
New Records of Three Larval Species of Erythraeidae
(Acari: Trombidiformes) in a Citrus Orchard in Latakia, Syria
Ziad Barbar* |