Evaluate the Efficiency of Different Rates of the Herbicide (2,4-D) with different seed rates and the Effect on Planting Properties and Productivity for Maize ( Zea mays L.)

Ozara Alahmad (1)*,Bahaa AlRahban (2)and Aswad Mohemeed (3)

(1). Department of plant protection,  Faculty of Agriculture, AlFurat University, Deir Ezzor, Syria.

(2). General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Damascus, Syria . 

(*Corresponding author: Ozara Samir Alahmad,  E-Mail: ozara781@gmail.com )     

Recevied:2/07/2022                         Accepted:18/08/2022


The experiment was carried out at the Saalo Research Station of the Agricultural Scientific Research Center in Deir Ezzor (30 km east of Deir Ezzor) through the season 2020 , with the aim of determining the most important types of weeds that accompanies with maize, and evaluating the effectiveness of four rates of application of the herbicide (2,4-D) (0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.25 L/ha) in controlling broadleaf weeds under different rates of seeds (2.5,3,3.5 kg/ dunum) in the competitiveness between maize crop with weeds and their effect on growth and productivity. The efficiency of herbicide was 81.3% at the rate of application 1.25 liters / hectare when the seed rate was 3.5 kg / dunum, and the dry weight of the weeds decreased to 70.8 g/m² while the dry weight of yellow corn increased to 221.1 g/m² .The average height of the maize plant increased to 150 cm and the weight of 100 kernels increased (33.1 g) at the rate 1.25 liters / hectare and the higher seed rate, it also achieved the highest grain yield recorded 15,617 tons/ha. The highest seed rate was significantly superior to all the studied treatments, and the yield was increased. The treatment of weed control with a seed rate 3.5 kg/dunum was superior in all studied treatments compared with using the herbicide.

Key word: Zea mays, Herbicide, Plant Density, Seed rate, planting properties, yield.

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