Effect of Organic and Bio Fertilization on Growth and Productivity of  Sesbania aculeata (Willd) Pers. Grown in Soil of Al-Salameh Area. And the Production of Root Nodes in it.

Shereen Aladas*(1) ,  Mohamad Kurbesa(2) and  Manhil Alzuabi(2)

(1). Natural Resource Research Department,General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Damascus, Syria.

(2). Department of renewable natural resources and environment, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, University of Damascus, Syria.

(*Corresponding Autor: Shereen AL adas,E-Mail:  Shereen2143193@ gmail.com).

Received: 1/06/2022           Accepted: 13/06/2022


The effect of organic fertilization and bio fertilization on the growth and productivity of Sesbania was carried out in the nursery of Faculty of Agriculture – University of Damascus (Syria) during 2018 season in pots containing soil of Al-Salameh  within four treatments in a simple randomized trial with six replications. The results showed that increasing in plant length in the treatments of organic fertilization and organic fertilization with biofertilization significantly (7.8 and 7.78 cm, respectively) compared with biofertilization and control (6.37 and 6.03 cm, respectively) in the early stage of growth. At the beginning of flowering, the length of the plant increased in the treatment of organic fertilization, biofertilization and organic fertilization with biofertilization significantly (105.6, 102, 104.6 cm, respectively) compared to the control (91.5 cm). While at the beginning of the maturity of the pods, the plant length increased significantly in the treatment of organic fertilization with biofertilization (199.6 cm) compared to other treatments. The number of pods and their weight and seed weight in the treatment of organic fertilization with biofertilization were significantly increased (27.42 pods, 19.82 g and 13.3 g respectively) compared to the control. The number of root nodes in organic fertilization with biofertilization treatment increased significantly (44.83 nodes/ plant), and the wet weight of the nodes (2.91 g / plant) and their dry weight (1.16 g / plant) compared to the other treatments.

Keywords: Rhizobium bacteria, Bacterial nodles, Sesbania aculeata, Organic Fertilization, Biofertilization.

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