Diagnosis of Subclinical Mastitis in Awassi Ewes

Abd Al-Naser Al-Omar*(1) Azzam Kurdi(2) Mohamad Rokbi(3) Sameer Al-Shareey(1) Abd Al-Fattah Hamada(4)

 (1). Agricultural Research Center in Hama, General Commission for Scientific and Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Hama, Syria.
(2). Faculty of Veterinary, Hama University, Hama, Syria.
(3). Agricultural Research Center in Aleppo, GCSAR, Aleppo, Syria.
(4). Avico company for medical manufacturer, Hama, Syria.

(*Corresponding author: Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Omar. E-mail: abdnaser64@gmail.com).

Received: 04/08/ 2015                                     Accepted: 16/09/ 2015


This research was conducted at Jidrine Research Station, General commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Hama/Syria. A total of 244 milk samples out of 122 ewes were collected and subjected to California mastitis test (CMT), somatic cell count test (SCC), bacterial plantation test, and sensitivity test for antibiotics. Ewes that gave positive results to California mastitis test were treated with the appropriate antibiotic according to bacterial analysis and subsequently sensitive reactions. The prevalence rates of subclinical mastitis based on CMT and somatic cell count (SCC) were 38.98% and 35.24%, respectively. The sensitivity of California mastitis test was 91.4% (64/86). Chi-square test using SAS program showed significant differences(<0.0005) in relation to somatic cell count between normal and infected milk samples with subclinical mastitis, but insignificant differences were detected in relation to California mastitis test between manual, and machine milking. The relative risk estimation revealed that the infection with subclinical mastitis in manual milking is more than machine milking in 2.2 times (p<0.0041), whereas the compatibility between the variables of the independent groups showed high compatibility (k=0.7887) between the two diagnostic test, California mastitis and bacterial test. Chi-square showed significant differences (p<0.0001) between the bacterial isolations that cause subclinical mastitis infection. The most important 64 bacterial isolations were taphylococcus aureus (46.87%), Pasteurella  haemolytica (21.87%), E.coli (17.18%) and Klebsiella (4.68%). All cases of subclinical mastitis infections were cured using effective antibiotics according to sensitivity tests, this requires an early detection and treatment of subclinical mastitis cases in infected ewes, in addition to  improve environmental conditions in Awassi ewes breeding places.

Key-words: Sub-clinical mastitis, Awassi ewes.

Full paper in Arabic:تشخيص التهاب الضرع تحت السريري في النعاج العواس