Influences of Some Ectoparasites on Vitamin B12 and Iron Levels of the Local Goats (Capra hircus).

Bawan Abdalrahman(1)*, Bahzad Mustafa(1), Sarwar Sadq(1) and Karzan Ahmed(1)

(1) Animal Sciences Department-College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences of Sulaimani University, Sulaimani-Kurdistan region of Iraq.

(*Corresponding author:  Dr. Bawan abdalrahman E-mail:

Received: 12/02/ 2021                   Accepted: 18/03/ 2021


Vitamins and trace elements have an essential role in animal feeding and vitality, and despite their scarcity in animals and humans, their ratio varies according to disease and physiological circumstances. In the current experiment, 50 infested goats with external parasites (ticks, lice, and mixed infestation) and 50 control goats were examined. The huge load sites of the louse were chest and shoulders, while ticks were ound around the ear of infected goats. Females of both ectoparasites; tick and louse were widely seen on the infested goat males male. The vitamin B12 level was reduced in all infested goats (mixed, tick and lice) by 183.08±1.03pg/dl, 184.06±3.63pg/dl, and 187.91±2.12pg/dl, respectively, and showed significant differences at p≤0.05 level when compared to the control goats, however, there were no significant differences among them (mixed, tick and lice). With regard to iron levels, mixed infestation, tick, and lice-infested goats show a decrease in their levels; 45.34±5.23µg/dl, 61.27±8.22µg/dl and 67.31±7.38µg/dl respectively, with the presence of significant differences at P˂0.05 level versus control goat, also mixed infestation has significant differences with lice infestation at P˂0.05 level. The present result reveals that vitamin B12 and iron levels are reduced either as primary or secondary effects of these ectoparasites.    

Keywords: Ectoparasites, Vitamin B12, Iron, Local Goat.

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