Rawaa Tlay * (1)
(1). Dept. Food Science, faculty of Agricultural, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria.
(*Corresponding author: Dr. Rawaa Tlay. E-Mail Email: rawaa751@gmail.com).
Received: 20/10 /2021 Accepted:14/ 12/2021
This research was conducted in the laboratories of the Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University. This research was aimed at studying chemical indicators of different molasses samples (Date molasses, Grape molasses, Apple molasses), and manufacturing biscuit by replacing sugar with three different types of molasses at 100%, and studying the effect of that on sensory and chemical properties (total sugar, moisture, ash, total phenols, antioxidant activity) and color indices of functional biscuit samples. Grape molasses samples showed a significant increase in the moisture content (24.36%), while date molasses samples showed a significant increase in its total sugars and ash content (79.67 g/100 g dry weight, 7.93%), and apple molasses sample showed a significant increase in pH (2.63), TSS (83.3 Brix), and total phenolic content and antioxidant activity (116.12 mg / 100 g dry weight and 79.41%) respectively. Replacement sucrose with date molasses reduced the total sugar content (9.45g / 100g dry weight) and raised the moisture content to (4.75%) and ash (1.68%) in the date molasses biscuit samples. Grape molasses biscuit samples were marked a higher total phenolic content (166.94 mg/100g dry weight) compared with control samples (48.14 mg/100g dry weight) showed a significant increase in the values of color indices (BI, b, a, C) and a decrease in the values of (E, H, L) compared with control. While replacement sucrose with apple molasses led to a significant increase in the antioxidant activity (79.41%) and improvement the organoleptic properties of the biscuit significantly in taste, texture, and general acceptance, while the grape molasses had the largest significant effect on improving the aroma compared with control and other biscuit samples.
Keywords: Molasses, Sucrose, Functional Biscuit, Chemical Properties, Biologically Active Compounds.
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